Chapter 20: The Most Amazing Fictional Character To Exist

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Chapter 20: The Most Amazing Fictional Character To Exist 

“Sydney, what’re you still doing up so late?” Mikey wonders a few nights later, randomly walking into my bedroom.

“Can’t sleep, I guess,” I murmur with a careless shrug as I pick up the TV remote and flick through the channels.

“Well, why not?” He simple asks, closing the door quietly behind him and crossing the room over to the bed. “Scoot over,” Mikey urges, prodding my shoulder lightly with his fingers a few times. With an inaudible sigh, I reposition myself to the middle of the large beg, making room for Mikey. He plops down there on the side of the bed, wrapping an arm around me casually “Did you have a bad dream or something?” He questions, glancing at me. 

“No, I’m just not tired,” I mumble, shaking my head and keeping my eyes trained on the movie that I’m not now watching. It’s something called 50 First Dates and it’s in English since Francesca’s got English channels on her TV—  kind of like we have Spanish-speaking channels with our cable back at home. I don’t know what this movie is about so far, but it has Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore and the two of them are like, comedic geniuses, so I may as well watch it. 

Bradley, who is lying beside me in the bed, fast asleep, stirs a little bit, rolling over from on his stomach and onto his side. He sleepily raises his head from the pillow that he’s clutching tightly and drops it on my lap. His head, I mean, not the pillow. I absentmindedly pick up my hand and start running my fingers through his chocolaty brown hair. I hadn’t realized it’d grown so much since we first got to Italy, but I guess it has. He should really get it cut sometime soon because it’s starting to look all unruly and unkempt and such. He’s still gorgeous though, of course.

Bradley has been hoarding himself up in my room with me for the past two days since he literally dragged me out of Walker’s hospital bed and made me come back to Francesca’s house. I mean, I guess it made since because I’d been at the hospital for like, four days straight with Walker without coming back here.

Anyway, he’s been trying to get me to like, interact with other people that aren’t Walker or his family or his doctors, which is so stupid and dumb to me. And I’m proud to say that I’ve been extremely vocal to him about it, how I don’t think that it’s fair of him to expect me to want to go to the beach or go shopping or do anything really, considering the fact that our best friend in the world is in the hospital fighting for his life. I seem to be the only one deathly afraid of that though.

Granted, I am the only one that knows that Walker’s probably gonna be…gone in the next few months because I didn’t tell anyone after I heard the Dr. Acardi and Dr. Maria discussing it. And if it isn’t obvious, he’s still there. Walker, I mean, and by the looks of it—  he’s not getting out anytime soon. At least, not to get to come home to Francesca’s house. If he gets out, it’ll be so he can go to the airport and go back to Michigan where Dr. Maria’s team will do their best to save his life.

“Well, are you feeling okay?” He wonders, raising his eyebrows with a concerned look etched onto his features.

“I feel fine, Michael,” I groan, throwing my head back and yelping in pain when it hits the headboard and I immediately get a headache.

“That was God punishing you for calling me Michael,” Mikey informs me matter-of-factly with a boyish grin.

“Shut up, Mikey,” I demand but let a small smile come over my face anyway. “What do you want?” I query.

“Just wanted to see how you’re holding up,” He explains.

“Terribly, thanks,” I murmur, dropping my head onto his shoulder.

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