Epilogue: Make Every Second Count

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Author's Note: OMG I THOUGHT I CRIED WRITING THE EPILOGUE OF LIKE CRAZY-- THAT HAS NOTHING ON HOW MUCH I CRIED DURING THIS. IT'S KIND OF CRAZY ACTAULLY. I'm gonna save all of my mushiness for the next part though, which is the author's goodbye and I'm going be posting that soon. AND REMEMBER THAT ANNOUCEMENT I MENTIONED? I've reveal what that annoucement is in the part that I will post after the author's goodbye which will be entitled 'BIG ANNOUCEMENT' so make sure you read that and it'll be up within a few minutes of me posting this chapter! SO PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THOUGHT! I'M STILL CRYING RIGHT NOW, BTW. AND IF YOU CRY DURING THIS, I'M SORRY- IT WASN'T MY INTENTION TO MAKE YOU CRY! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH AND OH MY GOSH I CAN'T. I'VE HELD YOU LONG ENOUGH THOUGH, FEEL FREE TO READ NOW! <3 (PS, AT THE END OF THIS, IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS YOU WANT ANSWERED, YOU CAN POST THEM IN A COMMENT BELOW AND I'LL ANSWER THEM IN THE AUTHOR'S FINAL NOT) otherwise, don't forget to comment and vote and whatnot (it's the last part, guys!). <3


Epilogue: Make Every Second Count

Youth offers the promise of happiness, but life offers the realities of grief.”

― Nicholas Sparks, The Rescue

“Sydney!” Bradley exclaims loudly, making me jump a little bit and zone out of my daydream (well, it wasn’t so much a daydream as it was a reminiscent memory) and my eyes flicker over to the doorframe of the room, where Bradley is casually leaning, looking at me with a concerned look etched on his face.

“Yes?” I quietly reply, swallowing the lump growing in my throat and blinking back a few tears.

“Are you alright?” He wonders softly. “Okay, that’s a stupid question,” Bradley mutters, shaking his head before I even get the chance to answer it. “I called your name like, five times and you didn’t say anything—  how are you feeling?”

“I’m better now than I was on this day last year, that’s for sure,” I truthfully retort, standing to my feet and walking over to my lovely husband of almost ten years, pulling him all the way into our bedroom and gently closing the door. I wrap my arms around his bare midsection and then lock them around his back as he loops his own arms around my waist loosely and kisses the crown of my head. “What about you?”

“I’ve definitely had better days but I’m okay too, I guess,” Bradley murmurs into my hair. “I just got off of the phone with Tanner though—  he said that their flight isn’t for another two hours though, so they won’t be here for quite some time,” He informs me.

“That is so like them, to schedule their flight for so late in the day,” I laugh lightly, knowing full well how late Tanner and his family like to sleep. They’re quite ridiculous actually but very adorable. They’re kind of like the Brady Bunch though honestly and if you didn’t get that now just then, I’m sure you will once they all get here. “Have you spoken to Drew or Mikey?” I query, sitting down on the arm of the lounge chair thingy that’s strategically placed near the door of our bedroom in this suite. Bradley sits down on the actual couch and pulls me down into his lap, his hands wounding around my waist as he shakes his head.

“Nope, I’ve tried calling them both though but neither of them are answering—  they’re probably both already on their planes on their way here then, I guess,” He assures me.

“Well, can we just go on and go down there now and then they can just like, meet us there when they get here? It’s going to be dark in a few hours and I don’t want to be out there at nighttime—  it’s a creepy place to be at in the dark, I’d imagine and I don’t really feel like waiting on them,” I explain to my husband.

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