Chapter 22: That Was Strangely Philosophical

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Chapter 22: That Was Strangely Philosophical 

“Are you trying to get frisky?” I sleepily ask Bradley the following morning as my eyes flutter open and I feel one of his hands rubbing up and down my thigh underneath the covers as he continually peppers my neck with light kisses.

“No,” He denies with a gentle laugh, his cool breath brushing across my neck as he drops his head down onto my pillow. “But could you really blame me if I were? You’ve been giving me mad blue balls since like, last week,” Bradley complains to me with a loud and very dramatic groan. I can tell that he’s only kidding though and that he’s not actually angry—  a little sexually frustrated, maybe, but he definitely isn’t seriously upset with me. Honestly, Bradley is hardly even like, legitimately pissed at me. I mean, we have those cute little coupley banters all the time, but those don’t count because obviously they aren’t real. He only really gets mad at me whenever I do something stupid- *cough* the Drew thing *cough*—  so if he was going to be mad at me about something, it’d definitely be because of something a bit more serious than our sex lives.

“I’m sorry, Bradford,” I reply with a small giggle, rolling over in the bed so that I’m facing him before I push my lips into his gently.

“That’s okay,” He mutters against my lips. “I’m sure you can find some sort of way to make it up to me,” Bradley retorts, suddenly rolling over on top of me, leaning down and brushing his lips lightly against mine as he holds himself up over me on his elbows.

“I’m sure I can,” I agree with a nod and another giggle, knowing that Bradley and I are supposed to be spending the day alone together. Alone as in like, none of our friends(or anyone else for that matter) will be with us. That happens so sporadically, the two of us being all alone, so I already know that we’ll be taking full advantage of it, if you catch my drift. I mentioned the Milan thing to him yesterday and he said that he was totally fine with it, so after we leave the hospital—  we’re going there so that we can all get our bone marrow tested to see if it’s a match to Walker’s—  we’re going to the train station and then we’re going to take a train to Milan. We’re staying at a hotel there tonight and then we’re going to leave and come back here to Rome tomorrow night.

Obviously we’re not just going to be there at the hotel the entire time that we’re there though, I’m sure we’ll go sight-seeing and other fun stuff like that. Bradley seems to think that ever since the thing with Walker came to the light, I’m like, permanently grumpy, which isn’t true at all because I’m not in the least bit grumpy—  I’m gut-wrenched, which is—  if you’ve ever been in my situation—  you know, completely understandable, given the circumstances and just everything else that’s happened these past few months. I think that I can honestly say that this has been the absolute worst summer of my entire life and that’s just so tragic considering the fact that I’m in freaking Europe— more specifically, freaking Italy.

“God, I love you,” He randomly informs me, obviously excited about the idea—  for what, I don’t know because it’s not like I’ve deprived him of having sex, because I mean, I obviously don’t do that. It’s just that ever since we were informed about Walker’s diagnosis, I’ve just devoted so much of my time to him. Walker, I mean. And that’s part of the reason that Bradley and I are going away together tonight, so that we can like, re-connect and such. I don’t know for sure how much longer I have with my boyfriend and I want to cherish every single millisecond of the little bit of time that we do have left together.

I mean, this time next month, we’ll all be about to head our separate ways to our separate universities and after that, we won’t see each other anymore. We’ll still be friends though, of course but not as close. That’s just not even practical for me to assume that the six of us would still be as close to each other as we are now even though we’re not going to see each other anymore. Well, not until like, Thanksgiving, which isn’t even until the freaking end of November.

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