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Imagine: Camila made an embarrassing mistake on stage at a concert, and now she wants to hide from the world underneath her bed sheets.

Camila's POV:

I sprinted out of my dressing room in an attempt to avoid seeing anyone. I was going to hide underneath the sheets on my bed in the tour bus. That way I wouldn't have to see anyone until it was time to get back onto the road.

"Camila?" said someone from the outside world. I chose to stay quiet in hope that they wouldn't realize that I was in there.

"Camila, I saw you run in here. What's wrong?" said the unknown person. I could tell by the voice that it was Shawn. I had almost forgotten that he was with us.

"You saw what happened," I said from underneath the sheets. Shawn then came over and sat at the end of the bed.

"It's okay Camila, it was just a simple mistake. Is that really what you are upset about?" he asked.

"Yes, do you know how many people were watching?" I said. Shawn pulled the blankets off of me and sat next to me.

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about. You have so many supporting fans that are willing to laugh with you rather than at you, and I'm proud to be one of them," he said, in a comforting tone. He had a way of making everything better. "I mean, it really wasn't that big of a deal anyway."

"I guess you're right, thanks Shawn," I said. He smiled at me and pulled me into a warm embrace. I rested my chin on his shoulder as I thought of something funny to say about the incident on my twitter.

"I should probably get going now," he said, pulling away from the embrace. He began to walk towards the door.

"Hey Shawn," I began to say.


"You should stop by more often."

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