Safe Travels

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Imagine: Shawn and Camila were hanging out in the city when a certain group of people decided that they wanted both of them dead. Warning: there is a minor description of violence and gore. Seriously, someone's eye is gauged out.

Camila pulled herself closer to Shawn, wrapping both of her arms around his. They were walking down to the police station. There had been a group of 'bad guys' out to get them. No one could ever be safe anymore.

Shawn stopped Camila and grabbed both of her hands. He held them tightly.

"Listen to me, we are going to be alright. I would never let those guys touch either of us," he said, staring deep into her eyes. She nodded and spit out a soft 'okay'.

The two continued walking, still hanging on each other. They were inseparable. Even surgery couldn't pull them apart.

"Excuse me, could you help us?" Shawn asked the woman working at the station.

"I'm sorry, but there's currently no one here," she said in reply.

"That's ridiculous, this is a police station," Shawn said as he loosened his grip on Camila. She quickly pulled him back.

"There was an emergency that required everyone. Besides, we only have mediocre service anyway. If you really need help, just go over to that hotel," she said as she pointed to a nearby hotel. "They have a lovely security system."

Shawn pulled Camila towards the hotel. She was unsure of what was happening. She just wanted to get to safety.

"I hate my job," muttered the woman at the station as they walked away.

Shawn and Camila continued to walk closer to the hotel. That day felt like a dream.

"What is even happening?" Camila asked, staring towards Shawn.

"I don't really know, but we'll do anything to stay safe, okay?" he replied. Camila nodded.

When they arrived at the hotel, Shawn told the lady working there about everything that had happened. She said that they would get the police to search for the group of 'bad guys' as soon as they were available.

"You can stay in room 112 if you want to," she said, pulling out a room key. 

Shawn grabbed the key and began walking towards the room.

When they got settled into the room, Shawn sat next to Camila on one of the beds.

"Are you okay?" he asked. He set his hand on her knee.

"I don't know, I just hate people," she replied.

"Those guys are going to be found and then we can go back home," he said in an attempt to comfort her.

"Why are you so calm?" Camila asked. He had seemed rather patient about the whole situation.

"I've been through a similar situation before. But, back then, I didn't have you with me," Shawn said.

"I don't know what to do. What if they find us?" Camila said. Shawn pulled her closer.

"They won't find us, we are safe here," Shawn said. He then pulled her all the way into and embrace. "Besides, I would risk my entire life for you."

"Please don't, I don't know what I would do without you," she said, accepting the embrace.

The next morning, Camila woke up only to see that Shawn had left. She looked into the closet and the bathroom, but she saw no sign of him.

"Shawn?" she said as she walked into the front lobby.

"I'm sorry, Camila. I was getting some coffee for us. I should have left a note," Shawn said as he walked towards her.

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