The Master

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Camila watched the navy blue walls in her bedroom fade into a grey sky. She sat up, and realized that she was in a boat, floating across a lake. She saw other boats tied neatly to the posts surrounding the dock near the shore. Soft music could also be heard playing in the distance. Camila, unaware of what was happening, decided to find what was playing the music.

"Hello?" she said quietly, as she approached a figure that somewhat resembled Shawn.

"Hello, Camila. Has the master send you here?' the figure said from behind the shadows. Camila now realized that this may actually be Shawn.

"Who is the master?" she questioned.

"The master is that voice inside your head, Camila," he began. "He wants to help you."

Camila tried to pull the figure out of the shadows, letting her curiosity get the best of her. He quickly pulled away from her and stepped back even deeper in the dark shadows. Why must his identity be hidden?

"Why must you hide? I just want to know who you are," Camila said, stepping closer to the figure once again.

"My identity should not matter to you," he said, appearing to be a bit angry.

"I'm sorry," Camila said softly as she stepped back to her original spot on the boat.

"You are forgiven, but the master will punish you if you ever do that again," he said. Camila felt suddenly, that the center of his attention was a bad place to be.

Camila saw a trapdoor appear on the ground. She opened it and saw that she was in a maze. She followed the maze to another door that opened up into another unfamiliar place.

She pushed open the door at the end of the maze and stepped out into the busy city. She quickly scanned over the street signs in hope that they would help her figure out where she was. All of the sign were in German, though, so she could not read them.

"Excuse me sir, do you speak English?" she said to a man that had passed by her. She intended to ask him where she was.

"Yes, I do. Are you looking for directions?" he replied. As he spoke, a car drove by, causing his hat to fall off.

"No, actually. But I do need you to help me. Where am I?" asked Camila.

"Well, you are currently standing in the streets of the great Amsterdam," the man said, seeming a bit too excited to be answering a simple question.

"Thanks for your help, sir," Camila said.

She was confused. How could she have just traveled from her bedroom to a dark lake and now to Amsterdam just through a small maze connected with trapdoors?

"You look familiar, are you Camila Cabello?" asked the man.

"Yes, that is my name. Who are you?" she replied, shyly. She wondered if the man had been sent by the master.

"My name is not important," he said, suddenly resembling the figure from before.

"Oh, okay," she said, still confused.

There was a moment of silence.

"Oh, and by the way, a man called the master told me to find you and read you this message," he said. Before he read the message, he looked off into the sky. This man could not have been completely sober.

"Would you mind reading me the message?" Camila asked, pulling him back into reality.

He blinked twice and then pulled out a sheet of paper.

"Camila, I have taken away the trouble of your normal life by sending you to a place where you could always hear peaceful music. You feared the man that produced the music, so I sent you here to view the beautiful city. Now, you distract my servants from their work by asking them unnecessary questions.

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