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Imagine: Shawn and Camila have recently moved in together, and they have just gotten into their first argument. 

     "Shawn, you spend way too much time in there!" exclaims Camila, referring to the amount of time that Shawn spends alone in their guest room.

     "Oh please, I've only been in there for a couple of hours," says Shawn as he storms out of the guest room and into the hallway with Camila.

     "You've spent a total of five hours in there today!" continues Camila. 

     "You don't understand, I'm using it as a music room," he begins. "I need some time alone to write new music."

     "I do understand that, Shawn. But, do you expect me to be okay with spending a grand total of two hours with you each day?" says Camila.

     "We spend more than two hours together," replies Shawn.

     "No, we don't. Between our careers and the daylight cycle, we only get two hours together if you spend five hours in there alone," explains Camila.

     "No comment?" questions Shawn, as he feels threatened by Camila at the moment.

     "You irritate me," she says as she walks off into the bedroom.

     Shawn decides that it is best to give Camila her space, so he slips back into the guest room and locks the door. He sits next to the door, listening for footsteps. 


     After about an hour, Shawn slowly exits the guest room and sneaks into the kitchen. He is well aware that Camila has to bake for a charity later on, so he decides to sabotage her to-do list.

     Shawn carefully takes each jar of ingredients and tightens the lids just enough so Camila will have to ask for help getting them open. He then takes the bowls and hides them in the glass cabinet so she will have to ask him where he has placed them. Clearly, his main goal was to get her to talk to him.

     "Hey Camila, you should probably work on your baking project before you end up late to the event," he yells up to her in the bedroom.

     Camila's soft footsteps can be heard as she is walking down the staircase. In fact, her footsteps are all that can be heard as she completely ignores Shawn and enters the kitchen to begin baking. She even stays silent as she hopelessly attempts to remove the lids from the jars.

     "Umm...hey Shawn, could you help me with something?" she asks softly.

     "Well, that depends...will you make a compromise with me?" he replies slightly louder than Camila.

     "Maybe, what is the compromise?" she asks.

     "I will spend less time alone in the guest room if you will help me write a song," he answers.

     "Okay, its a deal. Now, will you please help me open these jars?" she asks as she raises her voice to a normal volume.

     "Sure," he begins. "But are you sure that there isn't anything else that seems a bit different?"

     "Well, I haven't seen the bowls in a while," replies Camila.

     "They are in the glass cabinet," states Shawn as he fails to contain his laughter.

     "You irritate me," Camila says, jokingly.

     "You love me," says Shawn, changing the mood of the moment.


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