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Imagine: Shawn and Camila live in the same neighborhood, and they hang out regularly. Camila is obsessed with Tumblr, but Shawn has never used it before.

Camila's POV

     "Hey, did you know that I used to have a fear of hurdles?" I ask jokingly. Shawn and I are hanging out in the park. "Yeah, I got over it."

     "Camila, I hate you," says Shawn as he laughs at my terrible joke.

     "Oh, and did you hear about that kid napping?" I ask.

     "No, actually," he says jokingly.

     "Well, its okay, he woke up," I continue.

     "Seriously stop, these jokes are lame, Camila" he says, even though he is laughing. "Where did you hear these?"

     "I saw them on Tumblr," I answer honestly.

     "Is that a website for lame jokes?" he asks, being completely serious.

     "Have you never heard of Tumblr before?" I say, feeling slightly concerned for his knowledge of the internet. I mean, there are Tumblr memes all over the internet.

     "I've heard of it before, but I've never really used it before," he says.

     "Well, then I'll have to show you what it is..."


     I grab my bag full of medium sized pieces of paper and begin walking down the street. I;m not really sure if it's really late at night or really early in the morning, but either way, no one is awake at this hour.

     I find Shawn's house and attempt to open the door, but it is locked. I think for a moment. How can I get in?

     I walk over to the tree next to his house, and begin climbing it. I am going to climb to the top, crawl across the branch, and climb into his bedroom window. But, I will have to be careful not to wake him up as I attempt to be a ninja.

     When I finally am in Shawn's house, I pull the paper out of my bag and begin taping each piece all over his walls and belongings. Each individual piece of paper has a Tumblr meme printed on it. I am going to show Shawn what Tumblr is.


     "Camila?!" exclaims Shawn as he almost pounds down my front door.

     "Yes Shawn?" I say as I open the door for him.

     "Why are there millions of memes taped all over my bedroom?" he asks. He walks through the door and seems to welcome himself into my house. I guess that I have done the same with my Tumblr memes.

     "Why would you suspect that I put them there?" I ask stubbornly. It's very rude of him to just assume that I put them there.

     "At the end of the shrine of memes was a piece of paper that said 'Love Camila' on it," he says as he hangs his coat up. I guess he's not leaving any time soon.

     "Okay, I did put them there," I admit. "But I was helping you, Shawn."

     "How were you helping me?" he asks angrily.

     "You didn't know anything about Tumblr, so I taped Tumblr memes everywhere," I say softly. I smirk slightly as he stands up and walks over to me.

     "That was a good prank, Camila," he begins. "But now I want you to come over and help me clean the mess up."


     Sure enough, I went over to his house to help him exterminate the Tumblr memes, but we ended up doing more than cleaning up paper...

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