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AU: Shawn and Camila are in high school together, and they are secretly dating. On one random day, their secret is spilled in an interesting way. 

     "So, why exactly are we keeping this a secret?" asks Shawn as he walks over to the lab table that Camila is standing next to.

     "I honestly don't really know," replies Camila as she hands Shawn the lab report.

     "I mean, I guess that we might be better off keeping it a secret for now," he says.

     "I agree," states Camila.

     The bell then rings, so they clarify that they will talk to each other again later. Shawn walks away to the other side of the school, while Camila meets up with a friend. They quickly find their next class.

     "So how is everything with your mystery boyfriend?" asks Camila's friend.

     "Good, I guess," she begins. "We really haven't been dating very long."

     "When are you going to tell me who he is?" he friend continues to question.

     "I'll tell you when I'm sure that we are going to stay together," Camila replies.

     After class ends, Camila meets up with Shawn beside his locker, just as they agreed that they would. While she waits for him to get there, she questions how no one knows that they are dating, even when they are clearly together throughout most of the day. Everyone seems to be quite ignorant.

     "Camila," Shawn says as he sneaks up behind her. When she turns her head to look at him, he is standing a bit closer than she thought that he was. He quickly takes advantage of the moment and plants his lips directly on hers.

     "I didn't know you were so close," Camila says, blushing.

     "I'm sorry," he says, realizing that quite a few people saw what just happened.

     "What are you sorry for?" Camila asks.

     "Well, the secret is out now," he answers softly.

     "Oh, I really don't care anymore," she says even softer than him.

     "Yeah, I guess it doesn't really matter...does it?" Shawn asks, unsure of whether she is being sarcastic or not,

     "No, it doesn't" she says, smirking slightly.

     Camila then pulls Shawn into another kiss that is a bit longer than the previous one. Neither of them care about how many people might be giving them strange looks, or even looks of disgust. They are now that annoying couple that show such affection in the hallway, and they don't seem the care.

Author's Note: I'm aware that this is terrible, but I'm going to publish it anyway. As you can see, I need some suggestions for what you want me to write about. I am terribly sorry that I have not been updating like I said that I would. Thank you for reading all the way through this cringe worthy AU. 

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