Don't Play with Knives

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AU: Camila and Shawn have never met before. One day, they bump into each other on the street and are drawn together by some strange force. The catch? The strange force that draws them together is also trying to ruin their lives.

Camila's POV

     It was a gloomy day in New York City when I met him. I had accidentally run into him on the street when I first felt the attraction that changed my life. That attraction made me feel like I had known him all my life.

     "I'm sorry," he had first said to me. I will never forget those two simple words.

     "No, I'm sorry," I began. "I ran into you, after all."

     "Okay," he said, chuckling slightly. "My name is Shawn, by the way."

     "Mine is Camila," I said as I mentally tattooed his name into my brain.

     "This may sound a bit odd, but I feel like I love you already," he said, revealing that he had felt the same attraction as I had.

     "To be honest, I feel the same about you," I stated shyly. Could this have been the love at first sight cliche that everyone always spoke of?

     "Well, then would you like to follow me back to my apartment?" he asked.

     Afraid of what that might have turned into, I replied by saying, "I don't really think that's such a great idea. Maybe we can hang out later, after we get to know each other a bit."

     He then answered with, "That sounds like a much better idea than mine. How soon will I see you?"

     "Here's my number, we'll talk about that later," I said as I pulled out my phone.

     We texted nearly every day. When we got bored of texting, we talked on the phone for hours. When we got bored of that, we planned a day that we would get to see each other on.

     "Don't play with knives," a voice said as I was getting myself ready to see Shawn.

     "Who said that?" I questioned. Strangely, I felt the same attraction towards my knife stand that I had towards Shawn on that one gloomy day.

     "Don't play with knives," it repeated. "You mustn't use them for you silly lighthearted games."

     "What would those games be?" I asked. I suddenly felt the urge to retrieve the sharpest knife in my collection.

     "Using a knife to chop up food items is considered a game, and so is using a pocket knife to cut twine off of a bale of hay," said the voice.

     "What would not be considered a game?" I asked.

     "Murder," it said simply. 

     I tried my best to ignore the attraction towards my knives, and followed my attraction towards Shawn all the way to his apartment. 

     "Hello, Camila," he said when I first entered his tidied apartment. "Make yourself at home."

     "It's very clean in here," I said to him as I hung up my coat.

     "I tried my best to make it look nice for you," he stated politely.

     We spent hours exchanging stories of our pasts. But, we soon grew very bored of that. The idea that we could just make out came out into the air abruptly at one point, and I had a very hard time turning that down.

     "Oh Camila, I'm so glad that we ran into each other that day so many weeks ago," he said after we broke apart for oxygen for the first time.

     "You mean the day that I ran into you?" I corrected. Suddenly, I felt the attraction towards knives come flooding back to me.

     "Yes, if that's what you want for me to mean," he replied. Ignoring my strange new knife fetish, I switched my focus back to Shawn's lips.

     At some point during that evening of making out, I must have lost control of my actions, as I was snapped back into reality by the sound of Shawn shrieking. I stared at my bloodstained hands as I backed away from his body.

     "I'm sorry," I whispered, silent tears running down my cheek. "I'm so sorry!"

     With that, I walked outside into the rain and didn't look back. That was the last time anyone ever saw me.

Author's Note: I apologize for this being a bit strange. I've been watching a lot of crime shows lately, and this idea entered my twisted mind. (I also got some of the dialogue from pinterest) Hopefully, I can update again on Tuesday with something a bit less strange and a bit more Shamila. Thanks for reading!

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