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They can hear me. They hear everything that I am thinking. They can see me no matter where I am, and they follow me wherever I go. I am never alone. I do not know what is real and what is my imagination. All of it feels so real. I need help...but I don't want them to go silent. I just wish I could be alone sometimes.

"Camila?" Shawn says as he walks into the small room that Camila has been hiding in for the past few hours.  "What are you doing in here?"

"I just wanted to be alone," she replied hastily.

"You have been home alone all day," Shawn pointed out feeling slightly confused. "Why must you hide in the closet?"

"I'm just trying to sort things out," she said. "I can't really do that when I'm constantly being bothered by them."

"Who are they?" he asked.

"I can't answer that."

"Why not?"

"They'll go away if I tell anyone about them."

It's like someone else is controlling my mind. Sometimes thoughts are placed in my mind that I have never thought of before. Anything that I say aloud does not sound at all real to me, so I try to keep everything in my head. Actually, my whole life seems to be in my head. I mark down events in my calendar that will never actually happen...well, they happen in my head. Thoughts like this seem to just flow into my head as if someone is living their entire life in there. I do not want anyone to know about any of this. 

"So what have you been up to lately?" asked Shawn as he stared lovingly into Camila's eyes from across the table.

"Well, Rachel and I met up with a few other mutual friends to go to that concert on Saturday," she said as she smiled at something beyond where Shawn was sitting.

"Who is Rachel?" Shawn began. "Is she a new friend of yours?"

"No, we have known each other since The Summer Project started a few years ago."

"The Summer Project? Camila, you're talking nonsense again."

"Oh no, well there goes another thing that I have to erase from my mind," Camila began. "At least I won't have to worry about them being too loud anymore."

I love it when they are loud, but sometimes they are so loud that they slip out of my head through my words. That is when they lose their voices and are never to speak again. After Shawn heard about Rachel, I heard the news two days later that she had died in a car accident. I must learn to filter through what comes out of my head. Or perhaps I could ask for help. I mean, I often lose control over all of my actions and emotions because of them. But I do not think that I could ever risk losing them forever.

"Camila!" Shawn exclaimed in an attempt to bring Camila back into reality.

"Yes?" she responded with.

"Are you alright? You have been pacing in silence for two hours." he began. "Some of your expressions seem a bit alarming. What if going on in your head?"

"Everything," she simply said.

"What does that mean?"

Camila hesitated to answer for a moment.


Author's Note: I apologize for abandoning this, I have not been able to think of anything practical to write about. After lots of thinking, I decided to just write about one of the things that has been taking over my mind. I have many ideas that I can write about, but none of them really have anything to do with Shamila, but are instead just things that come out of the strange, dark place that is my head. I will try to think of something more practical (suggestions would help a lot), but I might just use my weird ideas if I cannot think of anything else. Thank you for reading, and I hope that you never have to go through any of the thoughts that are vaguely described in this part. But if you do, make sure you speak up about it before it gets too unbearable. I can tell you from personal experience that this is not something that you want to get worse.

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