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AU: Shawn and Camila go to high school together. Camila has a huge crush on Shawn, and she could barely make it through two periods without seeing him. What would happen if he was absent for a whole week?

Camila walked into first period and sat down in her normal seat. Shawn usually sits in the seat right next to her. She stared at the empty seat as the bell rang. Could he be absent again? Shawn had not showed up to school all week, and now it was Friday. Camila was losing her mind. What would she do without just seeing him walk down the hallway like she always does on her way to study hall. It was in that moment that she realized that she wasn't going to see him again until Monday.

After a long, boring day, Camila went home and stomped upstairs to her bedroom. She was going to spend the weekend alone. She pulled a random book off of her shelf and sat by the window. What an eventful Friday night. Camila didn't really mind that she was going to be spending her evening reading, but she just wanted to see Shawn at least once this week.

"Hey Camila, do you want to go to the football game?" asked Camila's friend over the phone that Camila had just answered. "I was just talking to those hot boys and they said that we could hang out with them there."

"Sure, I need something to get me out of the house," Camila replied. She began searching for her sweatshirt and some spare money to bring.

"Okay cool, I'll see you there," said her friend. Camila hung up the phone and headed out the door. She left a note for her mom telling her where she had gone. She then hopped in her car and drove off.

When Camila arrived at the football game, the very first person she made eye contact with was none other than Shawn. She didn't know whether to be excited or angry. Why had he not shown up to school all week if he came to the football game?

"Hey Shawn! Where were you this week?" Camila asked, deciding to be excited. Shawn directed his full attention to her and gestured for his friends to leave.

"I was sick, but don't worry, it's not contagious," he said, smirking. He may have had a bit of a crush on Camila as well.

"Okay, are you better now?" Camila said.

"Yes, I am now. I will probably come to school on Monday. I mean, unless I get sick again," he replied.

"Getting sick right after you just got over a different virus? That would suck," said Camila, laughing. Shawn's friends came back, and some of Camila's friends did too. For most of the game, they hung out in that big group.

As soon as the fourth quarter started, Shawn and Camila left their big group and went underneath the bleachers. Camila was living every teenage girl's dream: being alone underneath the bleachers with her high school crush.

"Camila, has anyone ever told you that you have really pretty eyes?" asked Shawn.

"Not until now," she replied. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment.

"You really do have pretty eyes," Shawn said after a moment of silence.

"Thank you," replied Camila. They then did the cheesiest thing ever: kissing underneath the bleachers. It was a rather passionate kiss being that they were teenagers. It was a special moment for both of them.

Even though Camila didn't get to see Shawn all week, she did get to share a special moment with him underneath the bleachers. If only it worked out that way for everyone.

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