I Ship It

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AU: Shawn and Camila are staying with a friend while they are visiting New York for the first time. During their stay, their friend introduces them to a tumblr blog that they both seem to take a liking to.

Camila slowly opened her eyes after a long day of traveling. She sat up in bed and saw no signs of Shawn in the bedroom. She quickly dressed and walked down the crusty staircase. Their friend, Gabriel, didn't have the nicest house, but it was good enough for them to stay in for a few days.

"You're doing the cooking now?" Camila asked when she saw Shawn cooking pancakes on the mediocre stove.

"Gabriel had to run to the store for something, so I said I would make breakfast for us," he replied as he failed to flip a pancake.

"Wow, that's a first," Camila said, jokingly.

Shawn reached over and lightly hit her shoulder. He then flung the last bit of pancake batter across the room at her.

"Hey, you don't want to get that all over Gabriel's apartment," Camila exclaimed, in an effort to make him stop. He simply rolled his eyes and continued flipping the pancakes.

"So what do you have planned for today?" he asked after a moment of silence.

"Well, if you're almost finished I thought we could go with Gabriel to visit Central Park," she replied.

"I have to let these cool for a moment. Can you hand me the syrup?" he asked.

"Okay, Aunt Jemima."


"Hey, do you guys want to see this new blog I found on tumblr?" Gabriel asked as they sat down at a table in the park.

"Sure, what's it called?" Camila asked, trying to express interest.

"It's called imagine-otps," Gabriel began. "They write short scenarios for you to imagine your otp in."

"'Imagine your otp: Person A blogs aesthetically pleasing gif sets, and Person B blogs shitty memes,'" Camila read aloud. "I would be person A if this were referring to Shawn and I."

"Hey, what are you trying to say about me?" Shawn sneered.

"'Imagine your otp: Person A is a sassy princess, and Person B is a salty piece of trash,'" Gabriel read.

"I don't really want to be person A or B in this situation," Shawn said. "Regardless, you're person A, Camila."

"I can't argue."


After a few hours, Shawn and Camila were supposed to meet up with a few other friends for lunch. But, time passed by quickly as they were looking through tumblr posts.

"Sorry I'm late, I was doing stuff," Camila said and she stumbled into the restaurant.

"I'm stuff," Shawn said, grinning.

"Hey, I say something like that on tumblr two weeks ago," one of their friends sitting at the table said. "Did you do that just so you could copy the post?"

"That's a possibility," Camila said, grinning equally as smugly as Shawn was.

"I ship it," Gabriel said as she shot a quick wink at Camila from across the table.

Author's Note: I was looking through tumblr and I decided to combine a few prompts to make this. I know its not very long, but I tried, okay? Thanks for reading!

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