Part 1- Unpleasant surprises

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You smiled, as you got off from work early, and stared at your phone, observing the background picture of you and Sehun smiling, with ice creams in your hands, on one of your last dates. You debated whether you should call him or not, but decided not to, since you wanted to surprise him.

You missed Sehun, he had been so busy at work, with the new comeback, and the recording, and the choreographies, you had barely had time to spend together lately. He came back home late, completely exhausted, if he ever came back at all, and you never had the heart to ask him to do things with you, knowing he deserved the little rest he could get.

But now that he had a free day, and you could go home early, you wanted to spend some quality time together as a couple, and quite possibly get intimate. Your body tingled with just the thought of his precious skin on yours.

Just as you were making your way to the store to buy some ingredients to prepare Sehun's favorite meal, and some of his favorite snacks, your phone vibrated in your pocket. You pulled it out, and saw a text from D.O. you smiled, opening the tab, and laughing as you saw the derpy selfie he had sent you, with the caption "I finally have a free day, and I don't know what to do with it."

You quickly stretched your arms forward, and snapped an equally embarrassing picture of yourself, adding the caption of "You could rest. Or learn to cook something nice for me." And sent it.

D.O was your best friend in the group. You met through Sehun, once he decided you were serious enough to be introduced to friends, and you instantly hit it off. You both had similar personalities, and you loved how whenever you were around D.O would do his best to prepare nice meals for you. You really did appreciate him, especially since he was always there to listen to you when you were down, and to comfort you and pick you up when you were breaking.

You paid everything at the till, and shoved the groceries in your car. You started the engine, and drove to your shared apartment with Sehun. You were beginning to grow excited. You might have sped a little, but always within safe limits, and as you approached your apartment complex, you felt yourself practically bouncing on your seat.

You started running through all of the possible options in your head, you could cuddle and watch movies, you could eat together, you could make love again, you could just joke around, you could talk, oh God how you missed talking to Sehun, although he had always been one to listen more than talk.

You parked, and went up to your floor with the elevator, your hands playing nervously with each other. You reached your door, and pulled your keys out, opening the door quietly, just in case Sehun had decided to take a nap.

The house was awfully quiet, and for some reason, you had begun to feel uneasy. There was something definitely off here.

You walked through your apartment, and just as you opened the door to your room, you felt your heart rip out of your chest, roll down your body, and smash into a million pieces at your feet.

There he was, the love of your life, the man you had given 3 long years of your life to, the man you had fought for, dealt with insults, hate, and crazy fans for, just for his love, completely naked, with his body hovering over none over than your best friend. Your BEST friend. You almost laughed at the word.

You had done everything for her, you had lent her money when she was running low on cash, and never even asked for it back, you had driven to clubs at 5 am on a work day, to rescue her from her drunken state, you had saved her ass multiple times, and helped her get over her ex. And now she was fucking your boyfriend.

You felt bitter, salty, painful tears roll down your cheeks, as you stared at them in horror, and the worst part was, you felt as though you were interrupting something you shouldn't have.

"Y/N! I thought you were at work..." Sehun exclaimed, as he rolled off your friend, and covered himself with the sheets. You shook your head, but your eyes were still fixated on your friend. You couldn't believe she had betrayed you like that.

"I got allowed to go home early. I thought... I thought... I thought we could spend the day together. I bought... I bought stuff to make your favorite meal. I wanted us to watch movies and cuddle... But I guess you have better things to do, so I'll just go." You managed to stutter out, and although you fought your hardest to keep a straight face, the tears dripping from your chin gave away all the pain you felt inside.

For a second, you thought you saw guilt and regret cross Sehun's face, but it could just be your heart misleading you again. Clearly it didn't know to recognize when someone had already stopped caring about you.

"No, don't go." Sehun called out, as he stood up, sliding his underwear up his legs. You saw your best friend throw a tshirt on. You snorted.

"No, it's okay. Really, I don't want to interrupt. I'll leave the ingredients on the kitchen counter, you can fix yourselves something to eat when you are done." You told him, as you began walking away towards the front door. Sehun stopped you.

"Aren't you going to shout at me? Get mad? Scream? Break up with me? Or ask me to redeem myself somehow?" Sehun asked, his eyes burning with guilt, as his hand wrapped tightly around your wrist. You smiled at him, a sad smile that broke his heart into pieces, as you pulled his hand away from you gently.

"Sehun... What would be the point? You already broke me beyond repair. There is nothing left for me to say. I wasn't good enough. Perhaps it's my fault. Perhaps you are just a cheater. But in the end, the deed is done, and you betrayed me. There is no redeeming, there is no chance to make this better, but I forgive you. You should have told me you didn't love me. I would have moved out of your way before you could break me like this. It would have saved me the humiliation... I wish you well Sehun. I hope you are happy." You told him sincerely, with a broken smile, as you begin to open the door.

"Wait! Where are you going?" he asked you, trying to close the door in front of you again. You scoffed, he was acting stupidly for someone who had just betrayed you in the worst way possible with your best friend. He had no right.

"Well, that shouldn't matter to you, since we are no longer together. But I'm moving out. I'll have someone pick up my stuff tomorrow." You told him, your eyes turning to a cold stare, as you glare at his hand on the door.

"Who are you staying with?" Sehun asked again, this time his tone becoming harsher.

"Don't pretend to care now when you had no trouble getting her into our bed Sehun... I'm sorry but I don't want to see you ever again. Just let me go, and be happy with your choice. I hope you have a happy life. Goodbye Sehun." You told him, with a deep sigh, before opening the door and walking out, not looking behind.

You held your composure, until you reached your car, and you started hitting the steering wheel viciously, screaming as tears blurred your sight. You grabbed your phone and dialed the number of the only person you wanted to see right now.

"D.O? I need you... Please I need you..." You cried into your phone. You heard him take in a sharp pain, and mumble to Kai beside him, telling him to leave.

"Okay, come over, I'll make a hot chocolate. Just walk straight in, the door will be unlocked." You heard D.O tell you, as he stood up from the couch, and walked towards the kitchen. You agreed, and began driving, to the only person who could prevent you from doing something stupid right now.

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