Part 2- In His Arms

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You parked outside D.O's apartment, and for a couple of minutes, you just sat in your car, with your forehead against the steering wheel, wondering how everything came to be, wondering what you had done so wrong in a past life to deserve to be hurt this way.

You couldn't erase that image from your mind, Sehun's naked body, his bare back glistening with pearls of sweat, as he hovered over your friend. You tried, and tried to forget about it, but it was etched onto your memory, as if it had just been burned into your brain with hot iron. Your phone vibrated again, with an incoming text from D.O.

"Are you here yet? You are making me worried." You knew you had taking twice the amount it normally would have taken you to arrive at his house, but you just couldn't bring yourself to face anyone, the humiliation was too great for you to be able to look into the eyes of someone who pitied you, someone who was actually friends with Sehun in the first place.

You wiped your tears, and held a tissue to your eyes, trying to remove any smudged make up. You fixed your face with whatever you had in your car, and with a deep sigh, you ruffled your hair, and walked out of the car. D.O knew you better than anyone anyway, he would see right through your attempts of trying to make yourself seem stronger than you actually felt at that moment.

You knocked on his door, trying to cover your face as best as you could with your hair, just in case there was someone there with him still. After a couple seconds of waiting, Kyungsoo opened the door, with his precious large eyes opened wide with concern. He didn't even give you enough time to say hello, he engulfed you in a bear hug, with your face resting on his shoulder. You felt the walls of faux-strength crumbling around you, but you couldn't cry just yet.

"Oh thank God you are okay. I thought something had happened on the way here." He mumbled, pulling you closer, inhaling the scent of your shampoo, before pulling away, and dragging you to his living room. He sat you down on his sofa, grabbed a blanket, and put it over your shoulders, as he handed you a cup of hot cocoa, just the way you liked it best.

"What happened Y/N?" he asked you softly, words barely escaping those precious pouty, heart-shaped lips of his, as he patted your head gently, comfortingly. A loud sob escaped your lips, and his body ached with the need to wrap you in his embrace again.

"I-I... I found Sehun... Sehun... cheating on me, with my best friend." You sobbed, as you barely managed to get the words through your throat. You took a sip from the hot cocoa shaking in your hands. D.O froze on the spot, he felt rage bubbling inside him, slowly growing to a boiling point, but he managed to keep himself calm, although every fiber of his being was telling him to break all of Sehun's bones.

You heard a loud clatter in the kitchen, and you both turned to see a furious looking Kai, with a bowl still rolling at his feet. You gulped, you'd never seen anyone look so angry in your life. Where was the cute boy who talked to his dogs and called them his babies?

Kai didn't even give you time to question his behavior, he excused himself, and walked straight out the door. You were a little ashamed that he had heard what just happened to you, it was shameful to admit you had just been cheated on. After you both heard the door slam behind Kai, Kyungsoo turned to you with a saddened expression.

"Are you sure he was cheating on you?" He asked gently, trying to fix the shattered pieces of the situation as best as you could. You hissed.

"OF COURSE I AM SURE HE WAS NAKED OVER HER WITH HIS PENIS INSIDE HER!" You yelled at him, and Kyungsoo winced. You felt terrible immediately, it wasn't his fault and you had no right to lash out at him like that, he was just trying to help as best as he could.

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