Part 6- Unexpected Fantasy

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You couldn't pull your eyes away from Kyungsoo's firm body, even though you wanted to. His whole body made your mouth water, and you felt things you hadn't felt for a very long time. You could feel the heat radiating from your cheeks.

Kyungsoo made some sort of inhuman noise, as he grabbed the towel from his head, and covered his torso and face with it as best as he could.

"S-sorry Y/N!" He yelled, as he ran back to his room to get dressed.

You felt your heart thumping in your chest, and you smiled shyly. There was no denying how attractive he was underneath all that top coat of adorable-ness.

You walked into the kitchen and laid out all of the ingredients Kyungsoo had asked for on the counter, putting in the fridge the things that you wanted to preserve a little longer, and then took your shoes off, leaving them at the entrance.

You made your way to the sofa, and plopped down heavily, letting your whole frustration out on the couch. The tears began to fall again. You brought your hands to your face, covering it, as you sobbed softly. Your hair fell over your face too, and your shoulders shook.

You felt a hand on your shoulder, so you looked up, between your fingers, to see Kyungsoo staring at you with his brows furrowed, his precious pouty lips slightly open, and for a second, you wanted to jump on him and kiss his lips. But then you remembered your ex-friend, and started crying again.

"Y/N... What's wrong? Did something happen at work? At the market? What happened?" he asked you, searching for your face, grabbing your chin gently, and pulling it up so you would look at him. You tried to pull away, but his hold was too strong, so you gave up.

"I saw her today." You told him, his eyes staring down at yours, and you looked back in wonder. How could someone have such beautiful lips? How could anyone be so beautiful?

Kyungsoo didn't need to hear her name to know who you were talking about, the way you used the word 'her' was enough.

"What did she do?" he asked, his tone serious. He knew this was no gaming matter. He didn't want to get involved, and he didn't want to have to hurt or yell at a girl, but if she had hurt you, if anyone ever hurt you, they would make sure they paid.

"That... That wasn't the first time they... Sehun had been cheating on me for months... Soo.... Soo, he cheated on me with her for months!" You replied, breaking down, as you sobbed into his now clothed chest. Kyungsoo tensed underneath you, he now felt twice the rage he felt when you first arrived at his house. He didn't think he could stop himself from hitting him like Kai had done. Scratch that, he was going to be worse than Kai...

He hugged you tightly, and gently patted the back of your head.

"That's okay Y/N... Sehun is just as asshole who doesn't deserve any more from your time... You shouldn't waste tears on them... They will never bother you again... I'm here for you Y/N..." He told you, as he squeezed you gently in his arms. You smelled the scent of his cologne, and the body wash he used, and your thoughts travelled back to his semi-naked body in the towel, and to the shower he had had before... and you found yourself fantasizing, realizing you had both been in the same shower... just never together.

You snapped out of your day dream to look up at him and smile weakly, luckily enough your face was red enough from crying to cover up the embarrassment of the thoughts you had just had.

"I know I have you... And that keeps me happy. I love you Soo." You told him, nuzzling into his chest. His heart leapt out of his chest at the sound of those words. He wanted to kiss you, he wanted to hold you and make you happy like no one else ever could, so when would be the right time? He would grow old waiting for the right time.

He made dinner for you, he twisted and turned in the kitchen, preparing the meal, while you sat beside him on a chair, reading a new book you had bought a couple of days ago. You were almost at the end, and he smiled as he could read every single one of your expressions, thus being able to tell more or less whether something good or bad was happening in the story.

You ate the food he prepared for you with such eagerness, he felt proud of himself. He could often tell when one of his recipes was worth keeping or not, and by that he meant whether he knew you liked it or not. Because honestly, he didn't intend on keeping anything you didn't like. Often when you ate something he prepared, you'd eat it with a smile, and thank him the whole time, no matter what it was, because you appreciated the effort he had put into the food he prepared, and you never wanted to hurt his feelings.

But when the food was something you didn't particularly like, he could see the tightness of your smile, and the way you either played with your food a little too much, or ate it a little too quickly, taking long sips with every bite. He would never let you know he knew this little secret of yours, he didn't want you to think he was hurt, but he made sure not to make that meal again.

But when you ate a dish you thoroughly enjoyed, the way your eyes sparkled and you relished in the taste of all the delicious ingredients, made him so happy he could leap up into the sky and touch the stars. He would feel proud of himself. He wanted a whole lifetime of cooking for you, good meals, bad meals, and everything in between.

You helped him clean up after you were both done eating, picking up the dishes, and helping him wash them, you laughed, as you gave him a soap bubble beard, and he splashed water on you. He loved the sound of your laughter, he loved the way you smiled at him, with your eyes twinkling, and your skin glowing. He loved you. He always had loved you.

So once you were done, he walked to the bathroom, and prepared a nice hot bubble bath for you, with essential oils, and scented candles all around, and once he was done, he called you.

You entered the bathroom, and gasped. It was beautiful, you almost felt like tearing up. You stared at him, with your hand over your mouth, and began grinning at his shy and adorable happy expression.

"You did this for me?" You asked him, pointing towards the tub, and he smiled, nodding.

"I promised you. I don't break promises Y/N, no matter how big or small." He told you, standing from the side of the tub, and walking towards you.

"Don't let me fall asleep in the tub okay? I love you Soo, you are the best!" You told him, without thinking, as you kissed his cheek and made your way towards the tub. You had become used to telling him you loved him, it was almost like you were already in a relationship, it felt like it anyway, you had been living together for so long.

"I won't I promise, just relax here as long as you need to. Call me if you need help." He told you. He wanted to stay, wash your back, your hair, massage your shoulders, but he knew that would be overstepping the friendship boundaries, and as much as he wanted it, you were not dating yet, he didn't even know if you truly did have feelings for him, although the boys had given him enough hope already.

He closed the door behind him as he left the door of the bathroom, trying his hardest not to imagine you undressing, because it would bring heat to his cheeks, and would divert his blood flow somewhere he didn't need right now.

He heard you humming softly, and he realized it would be a while before you came out of the shower, so he grabbed his keys, and his coat, and walked straight out of the apartment, with one direction in his mind.

He drove quickly, faster than he ever would have done, and when he got to his destination, he parked quickly somewhere he deemed quite safe. He walked up the stairs to the apartment block, and once he reached the door, he stopped in front of it. Knocking three times.

Sehun opened the door, with his eyes wide open, and pure shock written all over his face. That is, until Kyungsoo's fist washed it away.

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