Part 5- Home is where the heart is

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Kyungsoo had finally cleared up the guest room, and after much arguing, he agreed on letting you keep the guest room, although initially he had insisted you took his room, since it was larger, and had a larger wardrobe. You told him you didn't need that much room, and you didn't really feel like wearing your fancy clothes anyway, your heart was still upset.

You weren't upset over Sehun particularly, it was the betrayal, the fact that it had been your best friend, it was everything. You were still hurt over it, and Kyungsoo understood and gave you space. But the guys kept bugging him, asking him over and over again when he was planning to confess, and he was starting to grow tired of them.

You smiled at your phone, as a text from Kyungsoo made it buzz in your hand while you left work.

"Soo: Hey Y/N! I was planning on making something special tonight for dinner, so I'll be needing you to go to the store, if that's okay with you? I'll run you a bath while I cook in exchange!!" He texted, with a funny emoji following it. You smiled at the text, feeling the butterflies in your stomach awaken again, fluttering their wings. Kyungsoo was so sweet, so cute, so considerate. He did things for you which Sehun would never have considered. Kyungsoo always cared about you, and he was so ridiculously amazing at everything he did. Honestly, living with him was almost like playing house, it felt like you were pretending to be married.

The thought made your heart skip a beat. Your cheeks flushed red. Being married to Kyungsoo honestly didn't seem like a bad idea at all.

"Ah! Soo there is no need for you to do that for me! I'll gladly go and help you cook dinner! You are the best!!" You texted back, as you began making your way to the store.

"I know, but I want to. You had a tough day at work today. Let me cook for you, let me pamper you a little, you deserve it." He typed back, with a shy smile on his face. He closed his eyes tightly in embarrassment. He knew he sounded needy, and the text could easily be misinterpreted, but he just really wanted to look after you. He wanted to make you feel loved and protected like you deserved to. He wanted to shower you with love.

You smiled at your phone, and almost kissed the screen. You blushed when you noticed what you were doing.

"Ahhh Soo, you spoil me too much you know? I want to do something for you. You have one wish, so choose wisely. I'm at the store. What do you need me to buy?" You asked him, picking up the shopping cart, before beginning to stroll through the aisles.

Kyungsoo knew what he wanted to ask for, but he couldn't make you say yes just because he was nice to you, he wanted you to truly love him. So he typed back the list of ingredients he needed for the meal he was hoping to prepare for you, and smiled at your reply, before locking his phone and placing it on the table. He looked around, and noticed the apartment had never seemed so beautiful and homely before.

Sure, your things were now comfortably and lazily scattered all over the house, but it also seemed warmer, more artistic, more beautiful, and it always somehow smelled like your perfume and the candles you lit to keep the house always scented. He loved it, this is what home was to him.

You strolled through the aisles, picking the random ingredients Kyungsoo asked for. You honestly had no idea what he was planning to prepare with all of this, but then again, you were not an expert chef, and so you didn't question him. You had started to learn to cook more intricate meals since you began living with him, often sitting beside Kyungsoo while he cooked, or helping him when he seemed a little stressed.

You wanted to learn, you wanted to cook, you didn't want him to think that just because you lived with him, he was expected to do all the house work and treat you like a guest, but cooking relaxed him, and he was truly happy when in the kitchen, so often you decided to just keep him company, and read out of the cook book for him. You loved the way he laughed at your small commentary on the recipe, or the funny accents you read things in. You loved the way those kissable lips of his formed a heart when he smiled... Kissable? Ah... You began blushing furiously.

"Hi there Y/N!" You heart a happy voice chirp at you. A voice that you knew all too well, and honestly, it revolted you. Your head snapped back to look at the girl who used to be your best friend, but your stare was ice cold.

"What do you want?" you asked her harshly. You weren't in the mood. You were happy and she was ruining it for you.

"I just wanted to say hi to my friend..." She replied innocently, but you could hear the condescending tone she spoke to you in, and the way she smiled smugly, as if she had won a battle over you.

"We aren't friends." You replied, grabbing the meat Kyungsoo had asked for, and turning away from her.

"Oh, come on Y/N... Don't be like that! Don't ruin so many years of friendship over a mistake!" She cooed, in a way that made you want to punch her in the face. But you were civilized. At least you were a good person.

"You slept with my boyfriend. That isn't a mistake. That is a stab in the back. Now if you excuse me..." You said, trying to get away from her, but she grabbed your arm harshly, and made you look at her. You gripped onto the meat tightly, reminding yourself the last thing you needed was a scandal which would result in Kyungsoo having to pick you up from jail.

"Look, I practically made you a favor. Now you know Sehun is an asshole, and you shouldn't have been dating you. In the end, having him choose me over you is a plus, right? So let's just chat for a while, and go back to being friends alright? Or are you in a hurry to go back to that poor little loser of yours?" She replied, her eyes small, beady and sharp, and only then you saw her for what she really was, a viper, with a venomous tongue.

"Kyungsoo isn't a loser. He is a true gentleman. Congratulations, you fucked a guy who had a girlfriend. Now every time you wonder where he is, who he is texting, you'll remember me, and remember what you did to me. Once a cheater, always a cheater. He cheated with you, he will cheat on you. You and I, will never be friends again. Now leave me, I have a real man to return to, one that actually cares about me, and looks after me. And just so you know, Sehun came back asking for me to take him back. So there goes your guy. Congrats. You won the lottery." You sassed her, grabbing the last item you needed from the shelf and heading over to pay.

"IT WASN'T JUST THAT ONE TIME YOU KNOW! WE HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR MONTHS. HE ASKED ME TO DATE HIM TODAY. WE MIGHT EVEN MOVE IN TOGETHER THIS WEEK. HE IS GLAD YOU ARE GONE!" She yelled behind you, as you began leaving the store with the bags in your hand. You tensed immediately, but then, everything in your body just stopped fighting. You turned your body slowly to face her, and gave her the weakest, saddest smile. She felt her own heart ache with it. The first part was the truth, but the second had been a lie. Deep down she knew Sehun didn't care about her in the slightest, and she was hurting the one person who actually did love her. You.

You had been there for her in the darkest of her moments, you had helped her up when she was so far down, she didn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. You had been the one to cross towns just to pick her up after a party gone wrong, the one to clean up after her messes. And she hated you. She hated you for being what she could never be. A good person.

You drove back home as quickly as you could, with tears dripping down your face. It hadn't been just once, it had been many times. Sehun had been cheating on you for months, while he said he loved you, and caressed your face, and kissed your lips with the filthy lips he had kissed someone else with.

And then it hit you. You had just called Kyungsoo's house home. Kyungsoo was home. You were overwhelmed by the feelings. The pain, the disappointment, the sudden realization. Did you truly love Kyungsoo? Or were these just the feelings of someone who is mourning a broken love? Did you believe you loved him just because he gave you the love you so much needed that moment? Or were these feelings sincere?

You didn't know. You didn't know at all, and you needed to find out somehow, because your heart felt like it was being torn in two.

You grabbed the keys, and with shaky hands, opened the door to Kyungsoo's apartment. Your apartment, and pushing the bags with your foot, you walked inside and closed the door behind you. When you turned around, your eyes opened widely at the sight in front of you. Right in front of your eyes, was Kyungsoo, standing in the middle of the house, wrapped in only one towel around his waist, and a smaller one drying his hair. You stared at him, frozen in place, and he stared back. Neither of you knew how to react, but both of you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks, and the sudden tension in the room, the frustration, and how heavy and hot the atmosphere was getting.

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