Part 9- No chances

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Kyungsoo knew this would be hard for him, he knew that it would hurt more than anything he had ever gone through before, but what else could he do? He loved you, he was in love with you, and there wasn't anything he wouldn't do for you, even if that meant destroying himself in the process.

He clutched at his heart whenever you weren't looking, feeling it twist and burn, an empty ache filling the tip of his stomach, he didn't want to do this, he didn't want to give up on you, but he was convinced you would never love him, at least not the way you loved Sehun. It was Sehun you wanted in your life, not him, it was Sehun who made your heart flutter and your eyes sparkle, and now, you were in pain because you couldn't be with him.

So he made up his mind.

He spent every day at the hospital with you, while they ran a few checks by you, making sure there were no long-term effects of your little "accident" as they all liked to call it around you. He held your hand while they drew blood from your veins, and entertained you through the tedious waiting hours.

He felt his cheeks redden every time you smiled at him, or when your fingers gently brushed against his skin. He had to restrain himself from reaching over and gently grazing his lips against yours, because you looked so beautiful when you smiled, it made his heart ache, but he did, he stopped himself, because he respected you, and he knew he had no chances.

"Soo, are you okay?" you asked him, as he helped you up from the hospital bed, once the doctors had given you the greenlight to go back home.

Kyungsoo looked at you, and hesitated for a second. A small part of him wanted to scream and shout and tell you that no, of course he wasn't alright, he was broken and dying inside, he wanted you, he needed you, and there you were, beautiful, graceful, with a smile that could light up the world in the blink of an eye, and you had no idea, you had no idea how he was feeling inside.

"I'm alright, why?" He asked you, clearing his throat. You furrowed your brows.

"You look kind of down... It's not my fault is it? Did I say or do something?" You asked him, cocking your head to the side, as he grabbed your bag from your hands and slung it over his shoulder. He smiled at you.

'Yes, you have. You exist, you breathe, you smile, and you make my heart flutter with every glance I steal your way' He thought to himself.

"What? No! Of course not! Don't be silly! I'm just trying to figure out what to make for dinner." He lied, trying to make it seem like he was trying to visualize the inside of their fridge.

"Oh! Don't worry about that! I'll cook tonight! Let's just stop by a supermarket!" You cheered clapping your hands together. Kyungsoo nodded, with a sad smile displayed on his face.

The moment was bittersweet for him, watching your sweet smile thrown his way, with your eyes shining, as your hair rustled in the wind, while he drove you back home with the window down, talking about dinner, and how you'd spend the night, but deep down he knew none of this would last.

"I'll drop you off at home so you can get ready, and I'll pop down to the shops. I'll take you out tonight as a treat yeah? But no more baths and... Well... Just be careful." He told you, his eyes scanning your face for any signs that could let him know you could be just about to do something crazy. But he only saw happiness and comfort.

"Don't worry Soo, I'm not going to try to kill myself. You can relax!" you teased him, poking his chest.

You caught a whiff of his cologne, and your eyes fluttered shut. You held back the urge to rest your hands and head on his chest, and never move away. You were scared of what he would think about you.

You walked into your room at the flat, with your heart bouncing around the walls in your chest, the butterflies in your stomach going crazy, as you thought of what you could possibly wear out tonight. Kyungsoo wanted to take you out, but it wasn't like a real date, was it? Or maybe it was? Should you put on a fancy dress? Or something casual? You didn't want to be under dressed, but being overdressed was just as bad or worse.

You rummaged through your closet trying to find something decent to wear, while you squealed into t-shirts and jeans, trying to find something cute and appropriate.

Meanwhile, Kyungsoo was halfway on his way to Sehun's house, with the steering-wheel gripped tightly in his hand. He parked his car outside Sehun's apartment complex, and got out, taking a deep breath as he locked his car. He leaned against the door, and put his head in his hands, as he typed a text message to his former friend.

He waited a couple minutes, wiping the tears that were furiously rushing down his face, until he saw a large shadow cast itself over him. He looked up at the taller younger member of his group, with pain in his eyes.

Both of their expressions mirrored each other. They both looked awkward, uncomfortable, and broken.

"So... You texted me?" Sehun asked him cautiously, taking a step back, just in case the shorter boy lunged at him again.

"Yes. We need to talk." Kyungsoo told him, bracing himself, knowing very well what he was about to do.

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