Final Part- (Sehun Ending)

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Your whole body froze the moment you laid your eyes on him. You could feel your heart constricting, and the tears welling up in your eyes. A part of you wanted to run straight towards him, and wrap your arms around his waist, as you dug your face into his chest.

You missed the warmth of his embrace, the nights you both spent naked in bed, staring up at the ceiling talking about nothing at all, drawing constellations with your fingers, as he smiled and wrapped his arms around you, keeping you safe and warm.

But you also wanted to push him out the door, and close it in his face, so you would never have to see him again.

You didn't know which side was winning, you felt the pull of both extreme reactions tugging on your soul, and your heart, as it once again tore to strips of useless muscle.

"You are okay..." He muttered, his teary eyes staring you up and down, trying to check for any signs of damage. You nodded.

"I guess you could say that." You shrugged it off, staring into his eyes. You didn't know how to react, and you honestly didn't want to give in to him again, but all of the feelings you had once felt for him resurfaced again.

"I'm sorry." He started, sighing deeply as he looked into your eyes. He knew it was a weak attempt at an apology, but he needed to start somewhere.

"Sorry doesn't cut it Sehun..." You told him, closing your eyes tightly, as a tear escaped your lids, and gently coursed down your face, landing on your dress.

Sehun's heart shrank to the size of a pea, and the air was knocked out of him violently at your tone. Had you been angry, furious, spiteful, he would have been able to take it, to deal with it, but you sounded so hurt, so defeated, it hurt him twice as much to know he had done that to you.

"I know. I'm not done yet." He apologized weakly, looking at you to make sure you gave him permission to continue. You nodded once again, too scared that if you opened your mouth once more, you would let the sob that was lurking in your throat escape.

"I know what I did was wrong. I know it was more than wrong. And I honestly don't deserve forgiveness. Hell, I don't even deserve to be here right now. I am lower than vermin, I am disgusting, and I know it. I have lived with it since that day, and there hasn't been a second of my life since, that I haven't regretted what I did. I know there is no turning back now-" He choked on his own tears, as he too tried to suppress a sob. He wanted to fall down onto his knees and beg you to take him back, because, without you, he was nothing. He had nothing. He was less than half a man.

"Sehun..." You began, reaching your arm out towards him, but he stopped you.

"Let me. I know that I am just a child. I might be of age, but I haven't matured, and I know you deserve so much more than me. I know it. And I know you know it too, and yet somehow, you managed to love me, despite my flaws. You loved me for who I am, the real me. And I know I love you, I still do. My heart aches when I am not with you, it aches so badly I want to rip it out of my chest, just because I know I hurt you and made you sad." He continued, taking a step towards you, and gently cupping your cheek in his hand, before looking deeply into your eyes.

"I know, deep down, you still love me. Which is why you did what you did after she talked to you. And I know I am not worthy of your love, and I probably never will be, but I want you Y/N to teach me how to love, for real, like an adult. I want to learn to love you right, so I can become the man you deserve. Please take me back, and teach me how to love." He begged you, a tear escaping from the corner of his eye, and rolling down to his chin. Your glimmering eyes were locked with his.

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