Welcome to Arendelle

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Jack hurriedly flew through the sky to look at the wonderful view. Then after a few minutes he saw Olaf waving at him. He landed and followed Olaf until they reached the castle of Arendelle. A beautiful ice skating place was in sight. Jack can't believe his eyes when he saw this.

Olaf: Anna!

Anna: Olaf! Sven! Good to know your here. Where are the flowers?

Olaf: It is with Sven. I will leave you for minute and go to Elsa. Where is she anyway?

Anna: Oh she is at the fountain. She is giving people some skate shoes.

Olaf: Okay. Sven give Anna the flowers please.
Jack was amazed in the place. He just do not know how Elsa did this. The last time he knew about her when she was 5 years old. Sanman got to tell him stories about her. He thought Elsa was stronger and Jack do not want to wait anymore to meet her. Later Olaf came closer.

Olaf: Come cool guy. Elsa is just this way.

(Gets nearer to Elsa)

Elsa: Olaf! You came. Anna said you were looking for me.

Olaf: Yes. I was looking for you because someone is looking for you.

Elsa: What?

Olaf: Here he is!

Elsa: He?

Olaf: Yup! HE!

Jack: (Jack is no yet looking at Elsa because his attention was caught by the place.) I think this place needs a design or something. It is all blue and plain.

Olaf: Hey cool guy!  I would like you to meet Elsa.

Elsa: (Gets nearer to Jack) Hi I'm-

Jack: (Stayed still and looks directly to Elsa) Oh Hi. I'm Jack Frost. Guardian of fun. *What's this? I can't get my eyes off her!*

Elsa: I'm Elsa. Queen of Arendelle. (Shaking Jacks hand.) *Oh my! I never thought the guardian I told to Olaf was real!*

Jack: (Still holding Elsa's hand) *She's different than the first time I saw her. She's so beautiful! And her eyes! Her eyes were-*

Olaf: EHEM! You two are still holding each others hand.

Jack And Elsa: Oh!

Elsa: Um. Olaf go to Anna and help her in decorating to hall.

Olaf: Okay (Walks away)

Elsa: (To Jack) Um if you want to talk, follow me.
Jack follows Elsa to the guest room. He still can't take his gaze off her like he was caught and there's no way to escape nor distract it. He wants to know how to get closer to Elsa. At the guest room, Jack saw beautiful paintings of snowed places and of Arendelle. He even saw a book with a labeled "My likes" on it. He flew all over the place looking and admiring the huge paintings.

Jack: Wow. Arendelle is really a great place. It's a nice thing fellows like your family and you rules it. If it falls into the wrong hands, I don't know if Sandy will ever be here to work again. (still flying)

Elsa: You think so?

Jack: Yeah. I mean it's a shame if a beautiful country would be created just to be destroyed right?

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