The Confession

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Jack lead Elsa to the room where they will stay. Jack opened the door for Elsa and what she saw was a room full of designs of snow and winter! The room has a temperature not that hot and not that cold. It really amazed Elsa.

Jack: And here we are! Your room your highness.

Elsa: You know, you can just call me Elsa.

Jack: I know I know. Just kiddinng.

Elsa: Hmm, the one who made this really is impressive.

Jack: What if it is me?

Elsa: Really? Your the one who done this? I'm impressed.

Jack: Really? You'll be impressed?

Elsa: Of course! It's not like I shouldn't be impressed by a guardian. I'm just ordinary and you're super. It wouldn't be shocking if you guys has taste in designs and fashion. Unless one of you don't have it. (Smirked at Jack)

Jack: Hold on, are implying that I have no taste in decorations?

Elsa: Do you?

Jack: Of course. I'm a guardian of fun and I know what's missing in your skating place back at the castle.

Elsa: So you're saying I don't have taste in art.

Jack: Nah, 50-50 I guess. Anyways Sandman and Bunny are the ones who decorated the room. I just gave them advice on 'how-to-impress-the-snow-queen'.

Elsa: just because I'm a snow queen doesn't mean all I like is snow, ice and cold.

Jack: Sorry. My bad.

Elsa: But still, thank you.

Jack: You're welcome.

Elsa: (Goes to the window and looks at the view.) Wow! What a very beautiful view. I just want to picture it and hang the picture to my ice castle.

Jack: (Comes to Elsa's side and looks at her.) *She really is beautiful and cute when she was in the light. I really feel like liking her and wanting to stay with her forever. Wait, is this love? Wow! So it's feels good to love someone huh? It's been a while. I just want to court her or something. Yeah! Why not? She doesn't have any suitor.*

Elsa: Jack we are so close to each other and do not realize that we are close friends. I officially say that we are friends FOREVER. *Wait why did I say that? but I do not want to be a friend to him I want more than a friend. Well, I think that won't happen because he has a girlfriend name Tooth and I do not had any feelings for him, do I?* (Looks back to the view)

Jack: *Friends forever? But why? But how can I court her?I am not going to give up. I will tell her what I really feel about her starting now!* (Places his hands on Elsa's)

Elsa: Huh?! (Blushed)

Jack: Elsa, can I admit something to you?

Elsa: W-what is it Jack?

Jack: (Takes Elsa's another hand) Look Elsa, I-

Just then Bunny kicked opened the door holding a board game.

Bunny: Hey since we're all in vaca except for Tooth and Sandman, why don't we play to relax our mind? (Saw Jack holding Elsa's hands) Woah there Jack if you're going to do something bad to the queen you're gonna pay for it.

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