'The Feelings I have for You'

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Its been 7 months since Elsa died. Jack always prays and talk to the man in the moon. He is always lonely. After Elsa's death, Anna always try to think that Elsa's death was fake. Jack never showed himself to Anna due to shame. But he's​ often at Arendelle's castle to guard it, just like what Elsa told him to do. The kingdom isn't as better as it used to be. There's no music, no fun, no happiness. Everyone mourned at their queen's death. They were told that Elsa died due to her fall in a cliff when she's going back to the North mountain. Of course the royal committee should lie about it for good.

One night, Jack was very sad than ever. He went home sad and went to Elsa's room. He saw Elsa's book and read it. While reading, he remembered the day when they bump each other. He smiled and looks at Elsa's picture. He took it and touches Elsa's face. After this, he went to Elsa's balcony and looked at the moon.

Jack: Man in the moon. Please bring Elsa back. I've been waiting so long just for you to do it. Why can't you do it? You chose her and put her on this situation. It's not like you chose her to die right? I thought you grant people's wishes? So why not mine?

Olaf: Cool guy? (Sad voice)

Jack: Look Olaf I am not-

Olaf: I know. I know. I just forgot your name.

Jack: Jack. Now you should remember it clearly. Elsa wouldn't want to to forget people's name easily right?

Olaf: Yeah you're right. By the way who are you talking to?

Jack: Oh! I'm talking to the man in the moon.
Olaf: Elsa said he grant wishes.

Jack: (Smiles) Yes he do Olaf. Uh, Olaf, can you tell me more about Elsa? You see don't really know about her childhood except for her unable to control her powers.

Olaf: Oh that. Well the night when she was crowned queen, something went to a mess and she accidentally showed her powers to everyone, which is a secret. The villagers and guests were afraid of her. And she too because she thought maybe she'll hurt others. So she ran away and that where I came in. She built me but she didn't knew that I lived.

Jack: So she's able to control her powers then?

Olaf: No. She built the ice castle first the I met up with Anna who was searching for her. She knew that I lived when I showed myself to her. But when Anna met Elsa, an accident happened. Hans, who happpened to be Anna's partner that time came to tell Elsa to reverse the weather and kill Elsa and Anna so that he could get the throne. But Elsa then learned that to control her powers, she must also use her heart. And that is love.

Jack: Still she doesn't know you're alive the time she built because all she know is she just know how to control snow.

Jack made up his mind to show himself to Anna with the help of Olaf and Kristoff. At first, Anna was angry and blaming her sister's death to him. Jack somehow accepted it. While looking through the balcony, Jack then noticed someone flying to the gate and left something there. He went to investigate. The person left quickly and he doesn't get a glance and tiny clue on who's the guy. He just saw a box and a letter. He read the letter and it says,

Please accept this. I made this for you. To remember me, even you're with Elsa right now. There is also one thing for Elsa inside that box. And please tell her I'm sorry and I'm sorry too Jack because I am selfish all these times. But if you don't like to accept it, well I guess you can give it back to me. Sorry.


Jack: (Opened the box) Hey, what a cute picture frame.

The two picture frame are broken hearts that can combined to each other. There are names above it too. "Elsa and Jack". Jack felt sorry for Tooth. But he also can't accept the gift without Elsa. He went inside and planned to go to Tooth's palace the next morning.

The next day...

At the tooth palace, Jack was nervous and not ready to face Tooth. But he must do this because he wants to bring back the frame. A voice for not far away was heard. It was Tooth, dressed in her royal dress. She also wears gold jewelries and her wings are full of decorations.

Tooth: Jack? What are you doing here?

Jack: Um. I was just going to bring this back.

Tooth: Oh, I did not notice it. Don't you like it?

Jack: No. You know what I like Tooth right?

Tooth: Oh yeah. Snowflakes. By the way where is Elsa?

Jack: (Sigh) You really didn't care about Elsa, do you?

Tooth: How can you say so?

Jack: Don't you know the news?! Elsa is dead!

Tooth: What? That's interesting.

Jack: What?! Interesting?! Tooth! Do you know how much I love her? Do you know how much I care for her! Tooth have you lost your mind?! I love Elsa! And all must know that! I'm still with her if she's alive now!

Tooth: Jack! You are the one who is loosing your mind! You said Elsa is dead! And you do not have any chance to be with her now. It takes MONTHS to let you court her before she can say yes! But if it is me I could answer your questions NOW! All of it!!! Can you court me, can I be your girlfriend and will I marry you!

Jack: Tooth! Will you stop it! I and Elsa are mutually in love since the day she died!

Tooth: What? Y-you betrayed me?

Jake: I do not betrayed you! I've done nothing to you! And keep this in mind Tooth. I do not love you! (Flew away leaving the box)

Tooth Can't believe what Jack said. She never stopped loving him. Jack goes to North Pole and checked out if everything is okay. North tells Jack that Bunny is looking for him this morning. Jack do not have any idea why. North tells him directly. There is one bad and good news. Jack prefers the good news first then the second one. He can't believe what he heard.

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