Win and Lose

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North: Ugh.. what is this? I feel stronger!

Elsa: Ugh! North are you okay!

North: Yeah. Thanks Elsa! Now keep up the good work!

Elsa: (Making a huge guard like the ones when Elsa kick out Anna from the ice castle) *Is Jack fine? Why is he taking so long?*

Hans: Ha! (Crashed the giant guard) Now your turn Elsa.

Elsa: ugh! (Throws spiky ices to Hans)

Hans: (Got hit by the ice) Ugh! Huff... huff... You'll regret for what you have done! (Raised both of his hands and attacked Elsa)

Jack: (Blocks Hans's attack) Miss me already? (Kicked Hans) Bunny! Do what you do most!

Bunny: You mean the chubby bunny?!

Jack: Not that! At battle!

Bunny: Nah, just kiddin' (Throws boomerang and charges at Hans)

Elsa: Jack are you fine?

Jack: Yeah. Are you?

Elsa: Yeah.

Jack: Good cause later I'm gonna make you fall for me and be mine so don't die. (Runs to Hans)

Elsa: (blushes) *What was that?!*

Tooth: Watch out!

Elsa: wha-

Tooth: (Guards and attacks minion that's trying to kill Elsa) C'mon no time to stare in thin air! We're in battle Elsa! Wake up! (Flew back to Pitch) *Jack you idiot! Don't make me save that queen again! Why should it be to be her?!*

Elsa: *Tooth was right! No time to waste!I should attack*

Hans: Elsa, even you made a shield made of your ice to guard yourself, you will still lose.

Elsa: I won't lose to a coward like you!

Hans: Oh yeah? How about this?! (Created his own monsters and caught Bunny, Jack and Elsa)

Jack: I can't move!

Bunny: Neither do I!

Hans: Elsa! Are you ready to take back what you've said?! Bring her down for me fella.

The monster brought Elsa down. Elsa was too weak to stand and it's an opportunity for Hans to attack. He took his sword, ready to slice Elsa.

Jack: No! Elsa! North! Tooth! Sandman! Help!

North's side....

North: Tooth get the two out of that monster!

Tooth: Roger!

Pitch: Not so fast! (Created more minions to stop Tooth)

Tooth: (Got caught) No! Ugh! Pitch let me out of hear!

Pitch: Ha! No one can stop me now!

North: You're wrong Pitch! We guardians can stop you anytime! Anywhere! Nightlight is no where to help but I know he's still there at your heart! Caged and trying to find a way to defeat you!

Pitch: Nightlight may be awake, but how can he attack without a weapon? Think again Santa.

Sandman: ('Nightlight can do anything just to defeat you! Now isn't just the right time to find a way! But we know that the man in the moon hired us just to save the children')

Pitch: Enough with the sand talk! I can't understand what you are saying! (Surrounded by tooth fairies) What are those things doing?! Get off me!

Tooth: North! Now is a chance! He's distracted!

North: Good! Ha! (Attacked Pitch)

Pitch: Ugh!

After North attacked Pitch, Sandman attacked and at the same time and something at Pitch's chest is lighting up. It was Nightlight! Fighting with Pitch again and he managed to attack Pitch at the place where he attacked him before!

[A.N. If you don't who Nightlight is, he's like a guardian of the man in the moon when manny is still young and he defeated Pitch a long time ago and to do that he peirced​ Pitch at his heart and sealed himself inside it. Whenever Nightlight is awake, Pitch too will awaken. You can search him in google.]

Pitch: No!! Curse you Nightlight!!!

Hans: What? Pitch! (Sliced Elsa) Who's the frozen heart now Elsa? You're dead!

Jack: No!! (Used all strength to get off the monster's hand) Haaa! (Froze Hans' body)

Elsa: Ahhh! huff huff huff

Sandman: (Defeated the monster and freed Bunny)

North: Elsa!

Jack: Elsa! (Arm grabbed by Tooth)
Tooth: Jack please! What's gotten into you?! You're not this dangerous before?! Why?!

Jack: Tooth! I got a problem here. If you don't want to help Elsa then don't help me!

Tooth: Why is it always her?! I just want to remind you that, that, that I love you!

Jack: (Shocked) Well I don't love you Toothiana! (Removed arms from Tooth's hands)

Tooth: *Why? Why? WHY JACK? WHY?!* (Cries and flew away)

Jack: Elsa!

Sandman: (SAYING 'We need to bring her to North Pole!')

North: Right! Bunny! Call the healer! Or a human doctor!

Elsa was bleeding and she is in danger. They reached North pole and brought Elsa to a special healer. Jack don't want to nervous the healers. So the guardians stayed outside while Elsa is under an operation. About Pitch, Pitch was beaten again by the Guardians. The minions were frightened and goes away while Pitch can't create any minions anymore. Pitch was sealed in the ground forever and while in a block ice, Hans won't be able to move an inch due to Jack.

Healer: Guardians! Elsa is in trouble! Please stay beside her!

Jack: Elsa! (Runs to Elsa's side.)

Elsa: (In pain voice) Jack. I'm sorry, I didn't kept the promise to live. Please, guard Arendelle for me. Tell Kristoff and Anna to rule the kingdom, and the truth on how I died and please, tell Anna I'm sorry.

Jack: Elsa please..

Elsa: Jack, I know y-your worried (places hand on Jack's cheeks) I'm sorry for not answering your question. Ugh! I want to say, I like you more than ever. Everyone, it is a pleasure helping you. It's worth it having you guys.

Jack: (cries) Elsa... I love you.

Elsa's hand fell from Jack's cheek then she died with a tear flowing from her eyes and as it fell, her body vanished like shredded papers flew away because of the wind. Elsa's body was never been found. Everyone went to North's workshop and Jack took a rest at Elsa's room at her bed everyday. He went to Arendelle and told Kristoff first about the news. Later on, Anna couldn't accept the fact her sister died. She haven't met Jack in personal yet but everyday is another sad day for her. Hans was brought back to his hometown but now caged and guarded by the most trusted guards in his kingdom.

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