Meeting the Guardians

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Elsa can't stop hugging Jack. Jack can't believe that he is hugging her. Just when he knew, he fell for her even they just met the past 2 hours. While hugging each other, Kristoff saw Elsa and Jack hugging. He called them and teased them.

Kristoff: Ehem?!

Elsa and Jack: Oh!

Elsa: Um... Kristoff, this is Jack. Jack meet Kristoff, Anna's husband.

Kristoff: Nice to meet you Jack.

Jack: Nice to meet you too. (To Elsa) By the way Elsa, who is Anna?

Elsa: Oh! Anna's my younger sister. Um... Kristoff, what do you want?

Kristoff: Nothing I just want to go around the forest but you two lovebirds are blocking my way.

Elsa and Jack: Lovebirds?

Kristoff: (Whispers to Elsa) Hey Elsa. Is he your boyfriend? I gonna tell this to Anna.

Elsa: What!? No he's not! We just have some business. Oh! And by the way, he is the guardian I'm talking about. Can you believe it!?

Kristoff: Really! Wow! I knew he was real! Mr. Frost I'm you're biggest fan! How I loved ice and snow! It's been my life!

Jack: Glad to hear that. So can I call you ice boy for that?

Elsa: Oh! And also, Kristoff, I'll leave you and Anna in charge at Arendelle. I will be going somewhere. Please don't do any mess. Okay?

Kristoff: Okay! But where are you going?

Elsa: None of your business. (To Jack) Jack lets go.

Jack: Just hold my hand.

Elsa: (Stands still and stared Jack's hand then looks at Kristoff and doing a sign to go now.)

Kristoff: Oops! Okay. Have a safe trip! By the way, I love that nickname mr. Frost! (Runs away)

Elsa hold Jack's hand and Jack flew. Elsa was scared and climbed to Jack's back and hugged him. Jack smiled and flew carefully. Elsa saw the beautiful sea that they crossed. She also saw whales playing. She was happy. Hours past, they reached North Pole. Jack carefully landed and still still holding Elsa's hand. Elsa knows that Jack is holding her hand and she felt something.

Tooth: Jack!(Runs to Jack and hugs him) Thank goodness your alright!

Jack: (Pushes Tooth hard) Tooth! your acting like I'm gone for years!

Bunny: Hey! Jack don't you know Tooth was worried all this time? Especially Baby Tooth! I knew my kidnapping plan was way faster than yours.

Jack: Oh really? But mine is much safer that yours. And also, I wouldn't commit to that type of crime.

Baby Tooth: (Came and goes closer to Elsa)

Elsa: Oh! Are you a tooth fairy? Hi!

Tooth: (Takes Baby tooth away and whispers) Baby tooth? What are you doing?

Baby Tooth: (Smiling and telling Tooth that Elsa's teeth is perfect.)

Tooth: Really?! Hi Elsa! I knew so much about you when you were younger! And mind if I check your teeth!

Elsa: My what?

Tooth: Open wide! (Opens and checks Elsa's teeth) Oh! They really are lovely!

Bunny: I got a feeling I've seen this before.

Jack: Don't worry Elsa. She's just addicted to teeth that all.

North: Tooth! Is Elsa there?

Tooth: Oh yes she is! She is beside-(Looks at Jack and Elsa and saw them holding hands. She pushed Elsa to her side and then to North) Me!

North: So Elsa! Nice to see you again! I still remember when you and your sister were still kids, wishing for presents and things. You two are very nice girls. But then your powers. I never knew you would find a way to control it.

Elsa: Oh! Nice to meet you sir. Jack told me all about you guys. And I'm okay know with my powers thank you. By the way, being an ally, well I came here to accept any form of help I could give.

Bunny: Well let's do some work and tour!

After the tour, Elsa happened to saw a cherry blossom tree. She got under the tree and whispers. Wishing under a cherry blossom tree is what Elsa do to find love. Suddenly Jack came to find Elsa. He found her resting under the tree. Jack also believes that Cherry Blossom trees can't​ grant anybody's wish about love.

Elsa: Could this be true? Will this lead me to the man in my dreams? Is he near me?

Jack: Elsa? Who are you talking to?

Elsa: Jack! I-I just was talking to this tree. You know it grant wishes about love. (blushing) *I hope he didn't hear what I said*

Jack: Oh. You know I don't really believe that kind of stuffs but suit yourself. By the way, North wants to have some ice statue and some live snowman like Olaf. Just follow me.

Elsa: Okay.

(At the work shop)

North: Elsa! Glad you came can you decorate my workshop? I wanted some couple of snowman for helping the yetis and dwarfs. Can you?

Elsa: Sure. (Builds 10 snow mans and stomped the ground)

Sandman: (Saying 'I love this!')

North: (Chuckles) Me too Sandy! Oh, Elsa if you want to stay here you can sleep at the ice room. Well its not really an ice room it is a bedroom made up of snow and ice.

Elsa: Uh...

North: Just kidding! It's just a winter themed room don't worry There is only one but big bed there. Jack will be leading you there.

Bunny: Ha-ha! Don't worry Elsa, me and Sandman is going to keep an eye on Jack in case he does something stupid or weird.

Elsa: Okay thanks. I will just take a rest. Bye for now.

Jack: Let me lead you to the room. (Takes Elsa's Hand)

Tooth: (Gasps) No!

Tooth flew away back to the globe. The other guardians are curious on Tooth's reaction.

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