Is this the end or the beginning?

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3 months have pasted. The guardians finally can have a rest in their jobs except fpr Tooth and Sandy. But even they where busy the times, they are worried about Tooth. Why didn't she even showed herself to anyone?

Meanwhile at the castle of Arendelle at the day of the wedding, all of the people were busy. They prepared the wedding place. But, instead of a bright and sunny summer day,  it was snowy and icy. The people were delighted because it was the first time they experienced it.

At Elsa's room...

Elsa: Um, Anna, I you really sure for this? It would be better if my dress is plain white with white colored designs. I thought it should be Blue and white. But its all blue!

Anna: Oh Elsa! Don't you have trust in me? Look, freeze these designs. Trust me and it will be beautiful! I really thought it hard. And I'm sorry if the designs weren't blue and the dress isn't white but you'll love it! I know you can do this Elsa. I gained trust in you right? Now come on! Freeze it!

Elsa: Well then okay. (Freezes the designs and it turned into white colored design and snow flakes appeared.) Woah! Anna how perfect! You've done it! (Hugged Anna)

Anna: Told you. Now be confident for I the make up artist will make up you.

Make up artist: Well well! Isn't it Elsa? I wouldn't thought that your marriage is now. I thought it is next month!

Elsa: Wait! Your Tooth! Why are you here? Where have you been? The guardians were worried about you. They thought you are vanished because maybe the children stopped believing in you. A- are you alright?

Tooth: (Fear voice) Well, I- am okay. Mind I will make up you even you haven't forgiven me?

Elsa: Tooth, I've forgiven you already. 100%

Tooth: REALLY?! Oh thank you!

Anna: Now no its not the time for chitchat! Now give Elsa the best make up.

After the make over...

Anna: ELSA! YOU LOOK CUTE AND PRETTY! I AM SO JEALOUS! I wished that Toothiana is the one who make overed me.

Tooth: Thank you. Now, shall we go to the wedding belo?

Elsa: Yup!

While in Jack's side...

Jack: Well do I look handsome?

Kristoff: Of-course you do Mr. Frost!

Jack: Well since our wives are sisters you should treat me like your older brother, since my 302 years old, ice boy.

Kristoff: I'd like the sound of treating each other's brothers but you being my older brother? Hello you died like you're 21 and I'm 23, Snow man.

Jack: Still I'm much older that you.

Kristoff:  Yeah funny. Now let's hurry up and get to our destination!

Olaf: Um, Kristoff, where is Sven and my bows?

Kristoff: Here it is. You two look cool. But the best man and the groom look cooler. Jack, I put some decorations to your stick or whatever you call this. But you should not touch it during the wedding. But after the wedding. Okay?

Jack: He he. Alright then. Come on Guys. Lets go. I'm gonna walk just like you guys instead of flying.

Jack the visitors and the maids went to the destination. They were excited for this moment. Then a giant snowflake appeared at the sky and pops like a fireworks. This symbolizes that Elsa is coming. Everyone look excited. Elsa showed up and everyone's eyes are big! Jack was totally in love of Elsa. Elsa was in love with Jack too when she saw him. After an hour, the wedding ends. They head to the party place and celebrated. Elsa threw her flowers and Olaf caught it.  The guardians and people in Arendelle were very happy. Finally they had a king and queen who is always there for them.

North: (Came closer to Jack and Elsa) Congratulations to both of you! Oh now the two of you got married, will you Jack still be a guardian?

Jack: Of course I will! Its my duty. Right snowflake?

Elsa: Of course snowflake. And I've decided to stay at Arendelle to rule it again.

Bunny: What about your mission? What is it?

Elsa: To bring Toothiana back to herself.

Sandman: (Saying 'did Tooth lost her mind?')

Jack: Wait! You guys do not know?

Bunny: How could we know if your busy with your soulmate! Hahaha

Jack: Ha ha very funny.

Elsa: Don't worry. I'm a guardian too cause I'll be guarding Arendelle!

Visitor 1: Oh my! I never taught that our king and queen will have super powers!

Visitor 2: You're right. But how about princess Anna and her man Kristoff?

Elsa: (Heard the visitors conversation and thought a great Idea then cling the glass) Everyone, since we had our very own king, and that is if you see him, I would like to give two other royal family members a title. As we all know Anna is my right hand, I now declare Kristofferson Bgorman the king's right hand and also the kingdom's extension. Arendelle will be a bigger place as before. Thank you!

Everyone enjoyed. Arendelle has no problem since they had two rulers. The guardians did perfect than ever in their jobs too. And so, Jack and Elsa renovates the ice castle and made a good lifestyle.

Elsa: Hey Tooth!

Tooth: Hey. Congrats to you two.

Elsa: Thanks and to you too.

Tooth: Me? Why?

Jack: For you came back to the way you were before.

Tooth: (smiled and enjoyed the party)

Years later, there was a news that both of the royal family's daughter will become princesses. Frost family named their child Snowflake. While in the other hand, of course Anna and Kristoff's children are younger than Snowflake 2 years. They named their child Kristofferson jr. and Amanda, twins. All of the people did not regret for meeting Elsa and Jack and Anna and Kristoff. And they lived happily ever after.

Note:Jack and the guardians still on their jobs in being a guardian including Tooth.


Rise of the Guardians 2 sequel is up! Check my account and search for 'Frosty Kingdom' -the title of the sequel. Hope you enjoyed the story!

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