The Fight

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A week after Elsa's coming, the guardians went back to their own jobs every other day. It's now time for a meeting about enemies and they've already been looking for all who's behind this. Elsa and Jack are uneasy towards each other. Suddenly an alarm turned on.

Tooth: What just happened?!

North: Someone is attacking one of the hangouts. He's intruding into one and I guess it's yours Bunny.

Bunny: Not again!

Jack: How did you know there's someone?

Tooth: Sandy has an idea of putting a device for intruders when the Guardians are away from their hangouts. I too have it a so do this workshop of Santa.

Elsa: How will we solve it?

Tooth: Of course by getting to the Easter bunny's hangout.

Elsa: But how?

Bunny: This is how! (Beats his feet and a hole appears and this leads to his home.)

When they reached bunny's place, they stayed still and quiet and get armed and ready to fight. An unfamiliar man cracking the Easter eggs is what they saw. They all then hid behind the huge rocks before the man could spot them.

Bunny: Why you little mortal! Who are you to destroy those eggs! (Going to pull out his boomerangs)

North: Hold your horses E. Aster Bunnymund. I say we watch first before attacking.

No one recognizes the strange man, except one, Elsa. She is familiar to the man's hair. She got out of her hiding place to get closer to the man quietly. Jack saw Elsa and took her hand. Elsa removed her hand and explained Jack.

Jack: What are you doing Elsa?

Elsa: It looks like I know him. Don't worry. I won't get hurt. (Gets closer to the man)

North: Alright no time to hide. Everyone, go to Elsa!

Hans: (Turned around) Elsa?! What are you doing here? And who are they?

Elsa: What are you doing here? I thought you were in prison?!

Hans: Oh Elsa, how I wish for you to use your mind. Like you, I escaped from prison. I got tired of cleaning our family's stable anyway.

Bunny: What do you want from my eggs? What are you doing?

Hans: So you might be the easter bunny. You're tougher than I imagine. And with you? Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, Jack Frost, and, Sandman, just the people I wanted to meet. (smirked at Sandman)

Sandman: (Elsa, you know this guy?)

Elsa: Yes. He betrayed Anna and planned to kill me before. But now, there is no escape for you Hans.

Bunny: Shut the joke whoever you are and anwser my question!

Hans: My my, temper, temper. Be patient my friend. Now, where were we? Hm? Come if you can. (Takes his sword and black sand appears.)

Tooth: The black sand! Could it be?!

Pitch: Ha Ha ha! You're very smart Toothtiana. I am alive! Looks like the quarter you gave me is indeed lucky. Thank you by the way.

Jack: But how? We defeated you years ago! You clearly lost!

Hans: Because of me! I want to ruin people of Arendelle's life and treat me as a king! But you Elsa, you are the one who broke my dreams! So I kept in believing someone is there to help me, until I revived that someone called, "The boogy Man" and he granted my wishes! Turns out we're best pals.

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