Revealing the Truth

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Everyone went back home. Anna convinced Elsa to go back to Arendelle but she do not want to. She said she just wanted to refresh her mind. Well, Anna couldn't help herself and left Elsa with a goodbye hug and kiss. Elsa walked around the castle worriedly. When she went to the balcony, she saw someone. She thought it was Tooth because all she saw is the shadow. When she called Tooth's name and walk to the balcony, she saw Jack turning his face to her.

Jack: Ah- Oh Are you looking for Tooth? But I thought you-

Elsa: No! I just thought you were-

Jack: Tooth? Yeah, sometimes the guardians thought I was Tooth because of my shadow. Sometimes when my hair is messy it looks like Tooth's hair.

Elsa: Oh. Just stay there. Wait for me.

Jack: Okay.

Elsa: (Hurriedly ran to her room and took something and went back to Jack) Here. Let me do this. (Brushed Jack's hair)

Jack blushed hard and looked at Elsa. He saw Elsa just brushing his hair without any expression. He now believed that Elsa can't remember him. He was sad that time. When Elsa finished brushing Jack's hair, she smiled but just 3 seconds and felt sad. She wanted to tell Jack the truth. But she remembered what Tooth said.

Jack: Elsa? Is there something wrong?

Elsa: No Jack. It's just a deal that I was thinking of.

Jack: Deal? What deal?

Elsa: Oh! Did I just said deal? I meant uh, h-heal! Yeah! I was thinking of a heal! Um.. heal to, to my self! Yeah! A heal to let me remember you other guys.

Jack: Oh yeah. It's a shame you couldn't remember me and the others. Except for Tooth. Why do you remember her anyway?

Elsa: Who? Toothiana? Oh, it's because uh, she's the first person I saw and she told me everything about her. But she didn't told me about you, and the others, if there are.

Jack: She didn't? Why wouldn't she? Tooth isn't like that.

Elsa: *Oh no I made a mistake. What am I gonna do. I should make Tooth a kind and caring person but I messed up! Oh God help me.* Uh, maybe because she forgot?

Jack: Tooth doesn't forget anything so easily specially when it comes to greetings.

Elsa: Uh, excitement? Maybe her excitement makes her forget it. She's also part human too right? *Phew that was close. But still, I'm sweating so hard. Hope he doesn't see that.*

Jack: Elsa is everything okay? You're sweating.

Elsa: * Not so good* Is everything okay? Y-yeah! Everything's just fine.

Jack: Elsa, if you want to put it this way, okay, you may. But there is something I wanted to tell you. About our relationship when you're still mortal.

Elsa: It's okay Jack. You don't have to say it to me. I am going to know it myself.

Jack: But what if you did not know it? Look Elsa I'm going to say it right now. I still lo-

Elsa: Jack I said don't!

Jack: But Elsa! I can't take this anymore. I want to be your-

Elsa: Jack! Please stop. Please.

Jack: Elsa! Why are like this? Do you really wanted that? But Elsa I can' take it anymore! You and I, we-

Elsa: I SAID DON'T!!! (Throws sharp ice)

Jack was shocked on what Elsa did to him. He was not angry but worried. He walks toward to Elsa slowly. Elsa was crying and sitting. She do not know what to do. She even did not notice that Jack is going to hug her. When Jack is in the front of Elsa, he hugged her tightly and cried too.

Elsa: (Cries) Jack Frost stay away from me! I don't want to hurt you. I am a monster!

Jack: Shh. Don't say that Elsa. You are perfectly normal. Normal to me.

Elsa: (Pushed Jack softly to get away) Why is that?

Jack: (Smiles) Because we have the same powers. Although you can make better things made up of snow than me. I can't make live snowman and big guards not like you. But I can larger the things made out of ice, make the people happier-

Elsa: Freeze snowballs and giving a plain tree a design by touching it and you are the best guardian I ever met.

Jack: Wait, you remembered!

Elsa: No Jack. I also did not forgot it. I do not forgot any of you! Not even you.

Jack: So it means that, you pretended? Why Elsa?! Why?!

Elsa: Because me and Tooth had a deal! (Cries)

Jack: So, that is what you are thinking earlier.

Elsa: Yes.

Jack: What is it?

Elsa: I can't tell you. Or else Tooth might destroy Arendelle.

Jack: Just tell it Elsa. Trust me.

Elsa: Well, I don't know how to start it but, I will tell. But please do not say it to Tooth.

Jack: I promise. (Strokes Elsa's hair softly and smiled)

Elsa: Well, Tooth said do not fall in love with you again and stay away from you or make a way to let you unlike me and make a way to let you love her too. Or else, she will destroy Arendelle and hurt Anna, Olaf, Kristoff, Sven and the people of Arendelle.

Jack: What!? *TOOTH! Why did you did this!*

Elsa: Please Jack, please don't tell her that I brake what I promised. Please I'm begging you.

Jack: I will not Elsa. *Sorry Elsa for lying but, I will tell her for your own sake. Just trust me. No one is going to be hurt and nothing is going to be destroyed.*

Jack went to other countries then to his home. He started at the moon again, thinking why would Tooth do something like that.

Jack: At first I thought she was sweet and caring. She always help others and make situations better but now, she's not the guardian I used to know. Tooth is the queen of her own kingdom and she's always acting like one. The way she treat her tooth fairies is like they're her children. Why did she become such a mess? A guardian, trying to destroy a person, and a kingdom?! Something's wrong here. I got to get that jealousy out of her!

Jack then went back to the ice castle and told Elsa to come back to Arendelle.

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