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Jack went to Arendelle to tell the people of Arendelle the good news.

Jack: Anna! Olaf! Guys! Everyone!

Olaf: Hey cool guy. I mean Jack!

Anna: (Running to Jack) Jack! What is it?! Is there a problem?

Jack: There is no problem. There is a good news!

Anna: What good news?

Jack: Well I went to North Pole and North told me something. He said that there is a bad news and a good news. But the he do not want to tell the bad news because he do not want to upset us this early.

Anna: Just tell it!

Jack: Elsa is alive!

Olaf and Anna: What? Elsa? Alive?

Jack: Well North said that the healer that operated Elsa saw her walking around looking for something. They could not believe their eyes. But they knew that what they saw is real when Elsa has frozen the floor while walking. The healer slipped at Elsa's ice. Then, the healer asked where Elsa was going. Elsa just answered home. So maybe she was here!

Anna: Here? But I haven't seen her.

Olaf: Maybe she is hiding and going to surprise us when ever we found her.

Jack: Maybe your right Olaf. Let's find her. Ice boy! Tell all the maids and guards to help too.

All of the people in the castle were looking for Elsa. They looked in each rooms, under the tables, beds and chairs. They looked behind curtains, in the bushes, on the trees but no one found her.

Maid: Princess Anna, we're very sorry. We can't  find her.

Anna: It's okay. I think the boys found her.

Kristoff: Anna, we cannot find Elsa.

Anna: Oh...

Jack: Don't worry guys. I know where we can find her. At the ice castle!

Everyone went to the ice castle. Anna hurriedly opened the door. Then they heard something in the hall upstairs. Before they could go up, someone went down. It was Elsa!

Anna: Elsa!

Elsa: Anna? Anna! (Rushed down and hugged Anna)

Anna: Elsa, I never knew that you will be alive this time. After many months!

Olaf: Elsa! We are glad your are okay.

Kristoff: Whoa! Elsa? Is this real? Your alive? Sven please punch me if I'm dreaming (Being punched by Sven)

Elsa: Ha ha, yes Kristoff, it's me. I am really alive.

Jack: Elsa?

Elsa: (Looked at Jack with a sad face) Oh, sorry do I know you?

Jack: What? Elsa don't you remember me? Its me, Jack.

Anna: Elsa what happened to you? Jack is your-

Elsa: Anna if he is something to me I must know it by myself. So please, let me do this. Jack, right? Nice to meet you. W-what is your surname then?

Jack: Fr-

Tooth: (Flies in) Frost. Jackson Overland Frost. That's his whole name.

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