Important Notice..!!

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Story Readers,

I know you all love reading my both stories, even me too but you all know reading those long updates is a minutes work, may be 15-20mins but for writing it takes hours. So i have decided to post the story on an interval days. Like:
MWF: Strings Stitched 2 Broken Souls.
TTS: Guzarish

(MWF: Monday, Wednesday & Friday)
(TTS: Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday)

Sunday nothing, cos i will be busy with my classes on Saturday & Sunday till 9:30pm. So saturday i wont be able to write anything, wch means i won't be able to post on Sunday's.

I hope you all will co-operate.

Chotu Baby

MaNan FF: Guzarish [Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें