Chapter 6: He is Different

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Hey, before you start reading I want to thank you all lovely readers for 256 reads and yes don't forget to click that star button up there.

Happy Reading!

Jennifer's POV

It's been a week since the party and then after that, not a day passed when Edward didn't come to my house. I usually avoided talking to him and whenever he would come, I usually used to hang out in my room. I seriously miss Lily, if she would have been here it would have been too much fun.

According to Christine, there is no way I would be able to ignore him today as it is my first day at High School as a Freshman and all above of that he is going to pick me and Christine along with their friend, Josh. When she asked about why I was against the idea of hanging out with Edward, I just lied to her that I feel uncomfortable hanging out with new people which were somewhat a truth.

I chose not to tell her about my attraction towards him. Something about him literally shouted 'Bad Boy' but then still I don't know why I'm not able to convince this little thing situated left side in my body. Okay I know I'm really bad at Biology, I was actually talking about my heart. I wish I was good at it, I'm not talking about Biology but about not embarrassing myself every time and be brave enough to go and talk to him.

I came down for breakfast to notice everyone had arrived, I said them good morning and started eating my food, I'm not at all a foodie person. My mother literally has to force me to eat, now when she will be going in two days I will miss her to the core. Ashley's graduation was one of the good days in the past week, it was good to see my family together all happy. I captured the moments with my heart filled with joy and happiness.

"So Jenny, are you excited for the Freshman year of your High School?" Mom asked all excited. It seemed like it was her first day at High School than mine. "Yes, I guess" I replied her with a grin.

In all honesty, I was nervous as heck, As all the description I got to hear about the High School from my sisters, it seemed like a fun place like no bullying takes place, all the jocks and cheerleaders are friends with the nerds and geeks. It kind of sounded like a lovely and fun to be at the place.

"Oh I just can't believe this, my daughters are growing up so fast, you have already joined the High School whereas Ashley is soon going to College," My mom said happy tears flowing down her cheeks. I along with my two elder sisters walked up to her and wiped her tears away.

"No matter how we or you grow old, our love for you will always be undefined mom," Christine said smiling. "Love you, my babies," She said kissing each of our foreheads, while dad was watching us with a kind of amused look. He was a kind of quite a person, he doesn't speak a lot.

Suddenly, we heard a horn indicating our ride to school is here. We said our goodbyes to everyone and went outside, Edward was leaning against his car standing there texting someone oh his phone.

"Hey," I said awkwardly.

While Christine's hey came out more cheerfully. He looked up and nodded his head. I went to take a seat back when Christine shouted,"Jenny could you mind seating in front, I want to discuss something with Josh."

That was it I really wanted to rush back into the house but then now it seems like I really didn't have any choice so I went sat in the seat in front. I noticed that we still had to pick up Josh. I don't know when I fell asleep but when I woke up I noticed I was holding someone's arm, I looked up to see the person, to come face to face with Edward, I awkwardly shuffled in my seat and sat straight, from the corner of my eyes I saw him smiling.

"Umm, I'm sorry about that," I said. "It's okay" He replied with a smile still lingering on his face. I looked around our surroundings to see a huge building. "We just arrived, Christine and Josh went inside," He told me. Arrgh how can she do this with me, leaving me alone on my first day, wrong move Christine.

"By the way I'm Edward," He said extending his hand, I chuckled at this he saying it as if I didn't know.

"I know and thanks for the ride," I said and shook his hand. I step out of the car and started walking towards the school building. Suddenly I remembered I don't where is the location of the office I'm supposed to collect my schedule from.

"Edward" I shouted and he turned. "Would you mind showing me the office from where I have to collect my schedule?" I said awkwardly.

"Yeah sure why not, follow me," He said and I started following him inside the building like a lost puppy as soon as I entered I saw people looking towards us and gossiping. What the hell is wrong with them? I thought. They were gossips like 'at last the bad boy got a decent one', 'Is she mad? If she is then that would have been the reason she is hanging out with the bad guy'.

The talks somewhat proved my doubt of Edward being a Bad boy, I was not even a bit disappointed to hear that, as he surely got looks that can make any girl fall for him. Sadly, Including me.

But then like I read in stories, the bad boys would flirt around and be rude to people and yeah the signature leather jacket, but there was nothing like that about Edward, I would just assume that he is different.

After reaching the office, I said, "Thanks, I guess I would be able to handle from here onwards"

"Oh okay if you need help don't hesitate to ask me," He said smiling.

"Yeah okay," I replied and walked into the office. The lady there was very welcoming, I would guess everything here is welcoming except the corridor crowd. I looked at my watch and realized I just had 5 minutes to reach the class and I don't even know where is this Chemistry class situated.

I was wandering around the corridor in an attempt to find my class, I was so angry that my bubble could burst anytime how can Christine leave me like this on my first day? She is surely going to pay for this.

As I was walking, I saw a girl taking her books out of her locker she seem like from my batch so I walked up to her and spoke,"Hey, if you don't mind can you show where is this Freshers Chemistry class is." When she turned around to answer me, I was shell-shocked to find out who is it.

Thank you so much everyone for taking out your precious time and reading my book, I would more appreciate it if all the silent readers would come out and vote. And don't forget to comment and Vote. Bye, Love you all.

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