Home of never return

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The next morning I woke up to a pounding on my door. I look at my alarm clock. It's 6:30. I stand up and put on my armor because if it is a messanger we can't look like we have our guard down. It's army regulations. To my surprise it was, he had a letter and started to introduce himself. There was no need because everyone in the army knew him after a week. My father never left the castle so he had his messanger did most of his errands for him. Vane was his name. "Leutenant Lucifer Maxwell Fitzgerald of the Charterian army sends his regards and gives you this." He handed me a rolled up piece of paper. I unrolled it and it was a new assignment. My objective: an S&D mission, find and destroy the ambushers of the Scornets, but there was something different. Not only did it say to meet at midnight at the clock tower with the rest of my team, but something just felt off. I got my rifle from the armory along with my sword and shield. and then I waited.

     At exactly midnight I noticed that there was some movement in a near by bush. I drew out my rifle as the bushes were a nice distance off. the rusling came closer so I took an aim at the most likely of places. Then I heard teenage laughter, that's when I saw my best friend, Blaze. His hair explained his name to the T. He had another 2 men with him and a woman. she had thick, blonde hair, deep blue eyes and a powerful figure. I didn't stare as I knew I would probably get caught. Blaze came up and shook my hand and introduced me to the crowd. "This here is Tyler and Branden." He pointed to the two men. They obviously knew who I was because they stood at attention. Blaze quickly pushed them back, showing that I wasn't as strict as many people in Charteria thought. "That there is Yuni." He pointed the girl she nodded her head with a serious face. She really scared me.

       We left and he told me we had to avoid the guards. I asked why. "Because they don't know we're on a mission, or that we're leaving the gates at all." "But wouldn't my father tell them to open them?" "Your father doesnt know." I looked back in my mind at the objective sheet. The handwriting was off. Blaze got Vane to deliver it to me somehow. We jumped from windowpane to windowpane to the top of the gates and jumped down to the nearest river. Me and Blaze did it smoothly, Yuni forgot her form and was luckily she had armor on, and Tyler and Branden took forever choosing who'd go first. After we all got down we swam to the exit.

       "We make camp here. We have a large day ahead of us."

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