Escape and alert

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   I awoke in a cellar. I can tell it was originally a ware house for there were shelves with crumbs among other things in the room. I saw the door and I had a feeling that it was locked, but when I went over to open it, it wasn't. I opened it up and heard a beeping and I started to sweat. I slowly closed the door to suppress the bomb on the outside. They had the door rigged to set off a C4 when it is opened. I looked around to see if there were any windows or ventilators anywhere. There was no such thing, probably because it was just a ware house and not an actual kitchen. The only way out was the door but how am I going to get out, with out being noticed?

   Maybe if I can get the bomb to set off without getting hurt I can get out. I moved one of the shelves in front of me for protection, then i swung open the door and quickly closed it to set off the bomb but not get hurt. The shelf was extra protection. However when I closed the door, nothing happened. I decided to take a chance and look. They had a radio that was beeping to make me think there was a bomb and waste time. I walked out and unsheathed my blade. I saw two guards walking towards me and I ran to a corner with a large shadow. I turned on my shadow-camo and blended into the place. The passed me without noticing. I ran to the door they cam out of while it was closing and heard another two guards. I took out my pistol and aimed at them, and when they came into range I shot them both, simotaneosly. I ran past them and noticed another two guards posted. They must have sent them to make sure I was still there. I heard yelling behind me and the guards ran past. "Intruders!" They screamed. Blaze and Yuni must have gotten into the facility. All of this just for a barrack.

   I ran to the entrance of the barrack and ran out, but all there was was Tyler and Brandon. Where was Blaze and Yuni? Despite Tyler and Brandon's clumsiness, they were good team members, as they were taking out troops one by one.

   "I'm going to go find Yuni and Blaze!" I shouted! "Go ahead, we've got you covered." I saw three riflemen. I took out my Scar and shot three rounds at each. The fell without knowing how it happened. I ran and saw a sniper pointing his at me. I quickly took aim while running and shot three rounds. He died and fell off the wall.

   "Blaze, where the hell are you?!" No answer. "BLAZE!!" No answer. "Yuni are you there?!" No answer, but a thought came into me. "Shade! Blaze turned off our radios." She said. "How do you know?" I asked. "Because you couldn't contact us..." I was blushing while running and was glad nobody would see me. "Well meet me at the entrance of the barrack." I thought and then yelled to Tyler and Brandon, "Hey, we're leaving take what you have and that's it!" "Did you get the precious cargo?" "Yes!" We excited the barrack, panting. I saw Yuni running to meet us. She had a big smile, like she was proud or something. Mission success with all of Scornet on alert.

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