A brand new story

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   We got back to Charteria and I went to go find Sarge. I had to give him what I've found. However when I got there I got a very cold welcome. I gave him the intel and he slammed it on the table. "I had all of the capital looking for your dumb ass! Do you know how much stress you put everyone in last night? When word got around you were CAPTURED all of Charteria was on alert!" "Sarge I f-" "I was worried fucking SICK last night shade!" "Sarge-" "If you don't get your act together I'm going to get you expelled out of the army and secluded from all of Charteria! "DAD! I found intel on what Scornet had to attack Charteria!" The hall fell silent, even though nobody was in there. "It's called operation Mayhem..." He looked at the intel. "Where did you find it?" "In the barrack at Scornet. They must have it in all of them. They are going to kill everyone here!" I saw the first sense of fear in my father's eyes that day. We both knew that we couldn't hold off a full scale Scornet attack. "What the fuck are we going to do?" He asked. "We need allies Sarge." "We can't find any commander! nobody is on our side around us!" "Then we go find someone who will be." "Where are we going to find that?" Silence again, but this time with thought. Finally Sarge said "There is a nation, known as Tiloond North of Scornet. Sworn enemies of them, but is too scared to attack because they too can't face all of Scornet. But we have no diplomats..." "I'll do it!" I felt the words come from my mouth before I can think them through. "You're going to go through all of Scornet to try and get Tiloond to fight for us..." "I'll go around." "You don't know the way." "I'll find one." "You have no team." "Yes I do." "Yuni I need your help." I called for Yuni. "What do you need?" "I need help getting into Tiloond." "I'm already at the front door. Tyler and Brandon are with me." "I have a team don't worry about it."

   After rechecking my ammunition and armor 30 times over we set off. We headed north through Charteria and when we reached the top of the capital we made camp. After everyone was asleep I thought I should try and talk to Yuni not so formally. "Well hello there stranger." She said with a grin. "Um... h-how are you?" I asked. I can already feel myself blushing, but either she didn't notice it or she didn't care. "I'm very good." She said with a laugh. "How about yourself?" "Nervous..." "Why is that?" Shit shit shit I meant to say good! "Don't worry about it." She said and smiled again. "I have something to tell you..." "I feel the same." "What?" "I can read your mind, remember." She made one of those creepy looking faces when she's trying to make something sound scary. "Wait so you... like me... too?" "Of course! You're kind, caring, you don't open up to people very much and you always blush when you see me." "You can tell?" "Like a Charterian rose on a winter day." There's a difference between a Charterian rose then a normal rose. Charterian roses are always blooming with large red pedals. "I'm just waiting for the moment a man asks me out instead of a boy." Rejection... "Not rejection, I'm just waiting to see if someone will ask me to be with them then me having to." I think I know what's going on... "Well... um..." I felt hot. I felt like the world was going to end real soon. I felt nervous. I'm not good, I'm nervous I've never liked a girl before. In seventh grade a girl asked me out and I said yes just because I felt bad if I said no. She broke up with me for a guy twice her age. "Would you..." My throat felt dry. "Would you like to be with..." One last final push. I'm almost there. "Would you like to be with me?" "Of course." SHE SAID YES! I smiled a huge grin. "So... um... what do we do now?" She leaned in and kissed me.

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