The beginning of the never ending

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    Our journy back to Charteria was a short one. All of the mishaps and other issues probably was the reason it took so long. The closer we got back, the sky started to turn from a brilliant blue to a gloomy sunset. Some clouds started to come in, and it looked like it was going to rain.

   We walked into the gates, our small army of Shadow Hearts, Death hands, and humans stretched all across the vast plain. My father, or "Sarge", set up barracks around the city gates, and we were able to place all the soldier in there. I went into my room, as my father did not need to talk to me until the next day, and fell into a deep sleep about large horses, massive claws, and blood.

   "How are we going to be able to fight with such creatures," My father asked, "we have absolutetly no training on them, we don't know how the other death hands will react and we can't keep them controlled. They are no more use to us then the bears that we hunt." "Father, you must listen to reason," even though his face was redder then a midsummer cherry, i believed that I could get him to understand, "They are organized, fighting forces that used to hunt the very things we do. They are no different then us, and they are our hope of killing off the Scornets." His face started to turn to a less crimson color and more to a moon like, "You better hope that they know how to defend us, or we are finished." We heard an explosion. We sprinted outside, and saw the death hands, shadow hearts, and our fources all stacked into lines. The horizon stretched the mass of Scornet and her hating embrace. The faces were unreadable, and their shiny armor was blurry. It was as if they wouldn't end, they would destroy our little army in an instant. The sky turned darker then the day before, and rain started to poor. I could already almost hear the families being torn apart by the Scornet's giant, steel, broadsword.

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