[[Chapter Fifteen]]

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hey guys! new chapter hope ya like 

this one is for mimi18! thanks for the comment!:) 

Lonely Girl And Skater Guy [[Chapter 15]]

The next day I woke up, and Eli and Jarred were squishing me. I was stuck between them. I looked at the time. It was five in the morning. I have to get home! I tried to wake them up and move them, but they wouldn’t budge. Dammit!

I thought for a moment. BINGO! I got it. I started singing the most annoyest song ever, Umbrella, really loud and annoying. Jarred moved his hand around until he found my mouth then put his hand to make me stop. Eli groaned. He covered his face with the blanket. My singing was muffled.

“Shuuuut uuuup,” Jarred grumbled.

“Move then, I have to go,” I muttered.

“Sorry, I forgot about that,” he got up and started putting his shirt back on.

“Wait, wait, wait, you don’t have to go,” I said.

“I want to go,” he smiled. I nodded and started to get dressed. Jarred was putting on Axe. I lifted my eyebrow. He shrugged then smirked. He sprayed some on me. And when I mean some I mean a lot. I was choking.

“Butthead,” I stuck out my tongue.

“What? You smell better,” his smirk became bigger.

I had a fake hurt face, “I didn’t smell good already.”

“Shut up!” Eli put the pillow on his head. I giggled.

“Are you coming, man?” asked Jarred.

“Mhmm,” was all he said.

“C’mon lets go.”

We went into the living room and Nick was watching TV. “Do you ever go to sleep?” I asked.

“YesbutididntwanttobecauseijusthadtwentymonstersandifeelsoALIVE!” he was jumping everywhere.

“Okay, I’ll just pretend I understood that,” we walked out of the house. “Did your mom drop him on the head when he was a baby?”

He nodded his head sadly, and slapped his arm playfully. After that we were just talking about random stuff.

“But it looks like their talking themselves,” I laughed.

“They look very metal,” Jarred smiled. We had already reached my house. I was going to go threw the back door like how I should’ve done last night. 

“Bye, Jarred,” I said going to go inside when he grabbed me my wrist.

“Wait, I was, uh, wondering, uh,” he stuttered. He looked at me then let go. “Never mind, See ya later,” then he walked off. Okay…

When I got inside my parents were still asleep thank God! I crept into my room and go my clothes and took a shower since I was up already. Ice came up to me.

“Hey boy, sorry I wasn’t here,” I said to him. He whimpered and rubbed against me. “Are you hungry? Let’s go.”

I walked into the kitchen and he followed me. I was getting the dog food out and he was about to tackle me and eat it. “No, sit.” Ice did was he was told. He waited patently.

My mom came in when I was eating my breakfast. “We are going to pick up your sister and Fredrick at the airport tomorrow,” she informed.

“Cool,” I simply said.


The summer day was finally warming up. The past days have been cold. The sun shined on me as I lay in my backyard. The grass was nice and green. I smelled so good…

“What the hell are you doing, bro?” I looked up and I saw Isaiah looking at me. I got up.

“Err, nothing,” I mumbled. 

“Sure, hey, did ya see Cassie’s face! Some one jacked her up.”

“Haha, no.”

“I wonder who did it,” he wondered. I shrugged. Should I really tell him Arizona could kick some ass?


Ice and I were walking down the street. He leash was green my favorite color. I decided to take him for a walk because I hadn’t done so for a while.

“Slut,” someone coughs. I look around and I see three girls leaning against the car. The looked familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I ignored it and continued. I didn’t know what the hell their problem was.

Everywhere I went I kept getting nasty looks by girls my age. Not cool.

“Arizona!” I turned my head and saw Daniel behind me. I waited until he caught up.

“Hey, Danny,” I greeted.

“You’re walking your dog?” I nodded. He stopped to pet ice and play with him. We started walking again. We were laughing and being retarded.

Eli and Isaiah were walking down the street and they started walking with us too. We passed by this guy that looked so familiar.

“Arizona Glendora?” he said.

“Yeah?” I stopped. Something about his green eyes hunted me. My brain was really working hard.

“Do you remember me?” by my expression you could tell I was really working my cookie. Ice sat on my foot. My brain clicked. Those chilling eyes brought it back, again. But only it was a different person.

“Grady?” I whispered. I backed away. I was still sacred of his family.

“No, its okay, I won’t hurt you,” like he read my mind. “And call me Grad.”

“Sorry, it’s a habit,” I smiled weakly. Eli knew what was happing, but the others didn’t.

“Look, I’m sorry what my brother did to you, but I’m not like him. I changed,” he smiled and looked at me straight in the eyes. Nope, he wasn’t lying.

“I believe you.”

“I gotta talk to you, but not here, can you meet with me later,” my heart gave a kick. Not a good kick a scary kick. He was still related to him…


“Please, it’s about my brother.”

“Fine, but can I bring someone with me?”

“Go ahead, meet me at the park 12,” he smiled.

“Okay, see ya later,” with that he left.

“Uh… who was that?” Isaiah and Daniel asked. 

“Grad,” was all I said. Some girls pasted by me again and called me a whore, again!

“What the hell is going on?” I asked out loud but mostly to myself.

“You haven’t heard?” Daniel asked.

“No,” I said.

He looked down, “Some girl told me that another girl told her that her cousin told her that Cassie told her that she saw you behind the dumpster with two guys at night with your clothes off…  But I don’t believe it.”



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