Slash and destroy (3/3)

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Elsa's POV
I tried to fight Ingrid but she pushed me back. I get up but she pushes me on a wall.
"We could make a good team Elsa, but your a fool. Just like your sisters!" She pushes me down in another roof. I stepped back and repaired my ice sai's. "I've watched you train, learned your moves, I know everything you can do." I charged at her and she was knocked out.
"Not everything." She knocks me down and threw me on a roof.
Raph's POV
I get up and see Ingrid about to shoot ice on Elsa! I raced to her and knocked Ingrid out. I went to Elsa's side.
"Elsa! You okay?!" She was badly bruised, so I picked her up. I carried her to a safe roof. I see Merida and Punzie get knocked down. I went to them and heard
"Ingrid! You see? This is what real friends do! They stand up for each other! I'd rather be like my sisters than you any day!" Elsa! She's okay!
"Well just who we were looking for." Slash said coming in.
"Who's that?"
"Long story."
"So's mine." Ingrid says, we both fought our two enemies and we ended up on another rooftop.
Elsa's POV
"It's over Elsa, you've lost. You have a spirit and we are the same."
"We are nothing alike! Your pure evil!" She continued to fight me, Anna comes as knocked her down.
"What's with the new woman?"
"Tell you later. Look out!" Ingrid pushes her on a skylight.
"Looking forward to that for a long time."
"That's it! It's over!" I made an ice knife.
"That's right Elsa. We're not like the others! they're weak but we're powerful. Our powers make us strong." She charges, but I saw an ice drink and threw it at her pressure point. She comes back and starts strangling me.
Raph's POV
After Spike fell down, I saw Elsa in trouble! I kicked Ingrid off of her, she lands at another rooftop. I went to Elsa and shook her, she doesn't move. I tried again and it still doesn't work. I found an ice drink and put it on her throat. She coughs and wakes up. I smiled and helped her up. Everyone else comes.
"You guys alright?" Elsa said.
"Yeah, thanks to you." Punzie says.
"What happened to Ingrid?" Merida said.
"That was Ingrid!" Anna says.
"Tell you that later Dudette." Mikey says.
"Ingrid's gone!" Leo says. Elsa looks down in sadness.
"But she's still out there, Somewhere."
At the lair,
I was looking at the leaf Spike chewed on. Elsa comes in and sits by me.
"He's still out there somewhere."
"So's Ingrid."
"I can't believe she almost killed you."
"Yeah. Me too."
"Hey," I put my hand on her shoulder, she looks at me. "I'm always here for you." She smiles, suddenly somethings pushes my lips to Elsa's and we both shared a kiss. She pulled away and we both went to the others.

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