Chapter 1

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I walked down the crowded hallway, hoping not to be seen. Then again I was wrong. Her soft voice plated in to my head.

I'm sorry

Why? Why couldn't I just have accepted her apology. She made me happy. And now I'm not. And I know she isn't. Everyday, it gets worse and worse.

I can't eat, sleep, and i can barely talk. Everything reminds me of her. We've done everything together. And now it's all shot to pieces.

I'm broken.

Life is not a joke, it's just a game you play, hoping to find love. I found love, I lost love, then I lost it.

She was the definition of love

Then she was gone.

Everything can change in a matter of seconds, everything.

No one understands what its like to loose someone or something you truly care about.

Until that person is gone.

When that person is gone, then you fully understand that you can't take back anything you say. Or anything that you did.

I was happy.

I opened the dented locker and grabbed my folder.

I looked down and ran my fingers along her hand writing.

I love my little crinkle ~Sarah

I loved her handwriting. It was so neat, you couldnt get lost.

I closed the locker and turned to be faced with what was my best friend.

Michael Clifford.

My heart began to sink, I held it in. I couldn't speak. Not now, not to him. Before he could say anything, i walked away from him and in to the classroom.

She sat in front of me.

I miss the most irritating things about her. I miss how she would purposely put her brunette hair on to my desk.

The way she would accidentally slide her hair off ny desk dragging my paper off the desk.

I miss her.

"Mr. Hood" the teacher gazed at me.

I looked up, he was looking at a girl.

"Don't worry Keira he don't talk much." He continued.

I rolled my eyes.

I gazed at the girl, she has to be new.

She was.

"You can sit in front of him" he looked at her, then at me.

"Alright!" She smiled.

She sounded like Sarah.

I watched as Keira walked down the aisle, he was starring at me, and I stared at her.

I don't like her.

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