Chapter 8

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The silence was pure gold, there was nothing after that small twig had snapped.

Soon after I heard something slam shut.

I went to the ladder where Keria climbed up, not caring if I was loud or not.

I climbed up the ladder, when I came to a halling stop.

I heard the sounds of faint crying.

She was crying. And it sent heart breaking emotions to my heart.

I didn't know what was happening, but it was hurting me. More than usual. Usually I wouldnt care-

Then it clicked.

Feelings, I didn't want feelings I wanted to be heartless. Having feelings hurt, it hurt to much. It hurt cause I didn't want to be hurt.

Regardless, I pushed everything aside and went up into the fort.

She was in the corner of the fort, with her knees rolled up to her chest, and her head in her knees.

I scooted my fat ass over next to her.

"why are you-"

She looked up at me, there was make-up running down her face.

"why am I not good enough?" she cried.


"no matter how hard I try, your constantly hurt me. Pushing me away."

"Keira-" I tried again

"Calum I did nothing wrong. I did nothing to you. And I don't know how to-" I cut her off.

"it's not you."

She looked at me, her blue eyes looked liked eyes, but I watched as her eyes got a dark blue.

"what?" she sniffed.

"I just don't want to be close with-" and before I could finish.

"you don't want to be close?" she mumbles.

I thought of Sarah.


She sat on the end of her couch looking at me.

There was nothing, the silence was killing me.

"I can explain." I looked at her, as I stood above her.

"no. No you can't." she spat.

"yes. I can." I begged as I got down on to my knees, begging for her to listen to me.

"explain this." she paused. "why do you think it's okay to keep hurting me?!" she yelled. I saw her slightly tugging back on her eye lids, when the tear started to run down her cheek.

*Flashback Over*

It's not that I didnt want to be close. It's the point where I didnt want to be hurt. Cause it hurts.

I know that I'll fall in love again.

I don't want to take that chance. I end up hurting everyone that I love.


"calum..." she looked at me.

"I'm sorry." I spoke I have a low tone.

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