Chapter 26

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"Yeah you can tell me anything" Taylor spoke.

"Get out" I spat.

Taylor looked at me with a black expression across her face.

"You came to my house. At six o'clock in the morning. On a Saturday. To tell me something I already know" I spoke in a cocky tone.

"You need to leave her!" Taylor started to argue.

I turned my head to the floor. Holding in my anger.

"No! I'm not going to leave her over this one mistake! I'm finally happy, I love her" I spoke.

"Love? You don't know what it is Calum. You wouldn't know what it was if it came up to you and slapped you across the face!" She spat.

"And you do?" I growled.

She stood there in silence.

"Remember when Sarah did the same thing?! I told you not her! And although I was a bitch to you, I told you the truth" she paused "I wasn't taught to lie Calum" she spoke.

"The video was her, stop telling yourself it wasn't" she looked at me.

"Why do you tell me these things?" I asked.

"Cause your still my friend. You've always been. Its better to see you hurt when its happening. Then to see you oblivious to what's going on around you! She doesn't even like you!" She paused.

I sat down on the bed and put my head in my hands.

I started to think about why taylor and I where friends again.

I lifted my hands from my had to see the Taylor was next to me.

"When was that video taken?" I asked.

My emotions where slowly but surely bottling up.

"Two? Months ago" she spoke.

So all of this shit that she just lectured me about was a ton of lies?

"You knew about this for two months?! Yet you didn't tell me?!" I looked at her.

"Let me-" she started.

"No, I want to know why you kept it away from me!" I snapped.

"Cause, when I took the video, I should have sen-" she started before I cut her off.

"Cut to the problem, I don't want to hear the bullshit" I demanded.

"I told her that if she made us friends again, I wouldn't show you her video. And it was eating me alive, and so when I was drunk and I showed you" she spoke.

I sat in silence.



My head started to get dizzy.

"Well" I looked at her "we're not friends. You put me though complete hell! Get out!" I paused "get the fuck out" I yelled at her.

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