Chapter 12

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"Can you stay and cuddle?" she asked.



I let the words sink in. I looked back the window, then back at Keria.

"callum?" she teased.

"what?" I asked.

"can you cuddle with me?" she slurred once more.

"I cant-" as soon as I said that she started to groan. And moan, and god it was fucking annoying.

"please!" she stomped her foot on to the ground, folding her arms and pointing her lip.

"I. Will. Not. Cuddle. With you!" I tried to explain.

"I don't want to be alone." she complained.

"that sucks!" I spat

She grabbed my arm, and dragged to the bed.

"I'm not staying." I looked at her.

She jumped on me, causing me to fall back on her bed, she landed on my chest.

"get. Off." I groaned. I tried to get up, and leave but she wouldnt get off. She would cling herself to me.

Her legs wrapped around my torso, and her head tightly to my shoulder. She physically wouldn't let go.

"please stay" she begged.

"I really have to-" I started before I saw her eyes start to shut.

There was absolutely no use in fighting. None.

So I laid there.

She started to mumble in her sleep, it was adorable. She was still awake, she rolled herself off of me and laid besides me.

"you can go if you want." she spoke.

The truth is that I didn't want to go, I wanted to stay right here.

I turned to my side pretending that I didn't hear anything, and looked at her hair.

Her blonde hair was strung all across her face.

With out any warning, she took my left hand and put it under her head, using it for a pillow.

I kicked off my shoes, as slowly and as quietly as I could.

It miserably failed. And it made her jump a little bit.

"calum?" she questioned me.

"yeah??" I spoke quietly.

"can you give me some blankets?" she asked.

I struggled to maintain my arm under my head, and to get not only me, but Keria under the blanket.

"thank you." she said.

"also" she paused "who's Emma?" she repeated.

"before you say friend, don't bother to lie, I met her." she said in a soft voice.

I fixed the covers before i answered her.

"she was my ex girlfriend." I sighed, regretting every moment I had with Emma.

Cause their was so much more to the story.

"what happened?" she asked.

"it's for me to know and for you to find out." I blatantly spoke.

"so that means you'll tell Me" she said again.



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