Chapter 6

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I stood there clueless on why Luke was standing on my porch. God I hoped that it would rain. But it didn't.

"why?" I asked again.

"why?" he looked at me, asking in the most sarcastic voice ever. "because, you clearly told her." he rolled his eyes.

"tell who what?" I spat.

"Keira." he shot a nasty look at me.

"what the fuck did I tell her?!" I screeched at him.

"the FUCKING game. Sarah!" he yelled.

"actually no. No I didn't." I told him, lying and sorta telling him the truth.

"your a fucking liar. Just like how you didn't answer your phone, when it was sarah-" before he could finish I slammed the door.

How did he know?

I leaned against the door.

I felt my cheeks start to heat, but there wasn't anything. There was a tear.

I wanted to cry.

I couldn't.

I physically couldn't.

But at the same time it was good cause Mali was watching me from the kitchen.

"Sarah? What about her?" she looked at me.

I ignored her, and went back up to my bedroom.


I sat in chemistry, waiting for her.


I wanted to ask her.

The bell went off and Keira walked in a quarter of a second before the actual bell did ring.

She sat down besides me.

"okay class. I'm giving you a packet, it's due tomorrow. You can work with your table partner." the teacher spoke.

Keira and I looked at each other. I was not doing this packet.

"I have to talk to you." I looked at her.

"okay?" she looked at me.

"yesterday. You told Luke-" I started.

"you where right. I didn't tell him anything. I swear. I left and he got mad." she spat to me.

I wanted to laugh and point at her face screaming:

I told you so.

But we had to keep this mature now.

"okay." I looked at her. I really shouldn't of asked her about it. It was Luke.

A liar.

A player, cheat. The list could go on and on, really it could.

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