Chapter 22

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Now that I heard and understood Taylors and Calums hate whatever friendship they had.

It made me feel bad.

What if she just misses him as a friend?

Currently calum and I sat side by side looking at the TV.

Was it on?


"Calum?" I poked his nose.

"Don't touch me" he spoke.

"I love you" I smiled.

"I hate you" he chuckled.

"I love you!" I yelled in into his ear.

"Shut up! What do u want?!" He barked.

"I want to ask you something, serious" I looked at him.

His full attention was snapped to me.

I took a breath.

"Yknow how you told me the story of you and Taylor?" I asked.

He slowly nodded his head.

"Yeah why?" He asked.

"Maybe you should give her a chance. Like maybe she's changed?" I asked more as If it was a question than a statement.

I watched as calums eyes started to roll to the back of his head.

"I really don't wan-" he started before I cut him off.

"Why not?! I mean she has-" I started.

"Why the fuck do you care so much?!" He growled at me.

I was taken back by the remark.

I sat there in silence.

"Are you fucking serious?" He spat.

"What!" I quickly spat, my anger was showing.

"You clearly have a reason!"he yelled. "So why don't you just spit it out!" He snapped.

God I wanted to slap the shit out of him.

"I'm tired of you being an asshole! All you do is bitch and complain about her! Grow a pair of balls and fucking apologize!" I yelled, as I got up off the couch.

He sat in silence, and watched as I got up.

"I'm not going to apologize! Its just not going to happen" he spat.

"Well then theirs no fucking point of me being here!" I snapped.

Within seconds he replied.

"Are you serious?! You only came here to talk about Taylor?!" He yelled as he hot up off the couch.

"That's what I've wanted for the past week Calum!" I screeched at him.

Before he could say anything I left.


I watched as she stormed from my house.

I wasnt just going to let her walk away.

I ran to the door and saw her walking off.

"Keria!" I screamed at her.

She turned around to face me. It looked like she was crying.

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