Chapter 15

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The next morning:

I felt my hair start to get wet. It was the morning dew.

It was gross.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was laying in the grass with Keria in my arms.

What did I say?

What did I do?

I didn't care, I hoped that we where okay now.

"Get off of me." She groaned.

I moved my arm away from her waist.

Keria shot up.

"I'm sorry-" I started.

"No. I have to ask you something about last night." She spoke.

"I don't remember anything." I looked at her.

"Well, maybe you can answer then." She spoke.

Sassy little asshole.

"Okay." I stretched as I sat up.

"Why don't you like Taylor?" She looked at me.

I hated Taylor.

"She might look like a goodie too shoes on the outside. She's not. She's like a Regina George from mean girls." I looked at her.

"How?" She asked again.

"First she pretends like she's your friend. Then she turns around and stabs you in the back. She's done it to Sarah" I looked at Keria.

"How?" She repeated.

"When Sarah moved here, her first friend was Taylor. They where sorta like two peas in a pod. But Taylor wasnt, she was the rotten pea. She got all the information about Sarah. And when Sarah started to make new friends Taylor got jealous and started to black mail her. And it really got to Sarah-" I stopped before I could say anything else.

I looked at Kerias arm. The bracelets.

She looked down at the arm and placed her other hand over it.

"Its not what you think it is." She spoke.

"I don't care if it is or not." I rubbed my eyes.

"But you think it is." She spoke.

"Keria. I don't care. All I care about is if you stopped." I spoke.

Keria cupped my cheaks.

"Its not." She smile.

Her eyes glistening against the sunlight.

"Can I see?" I asked.

She let go of me and one by one she took off the brackets.

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