Chapter 27

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I sat there in silence as she spoke.

" she told me that if I made the two of you friends again she wouldn't send it to you" she looked at me.

"Do you love me?" I asked.

"Calum! I love you more than  food!" She spoke.

"Why didn't you just tell me about the video" I asked.

"Cause I thought you where going to flip-" she started.

"Well keeping it from me isn't going to help shit now. Will it?" I spoke.

"I'm really sorry" she looked at me.

"No I am" I spoke sarcastically looked at her before I left the house.

I felt my heart start to break even more.

I wanted to let her go.

But apart of me didn't.

I didn't want to let go. She means a lot to me.

"God damnit Calum?" She yelled.

I turned around to see her running to me.

When she got to me, she was out of air.

I laughed.

"What?" She gasped for air.

"You ran to the end of your dive way. 20 ft from your front door"  I chuckled.

"I didn't want you to see it because I didn't want you to get hurt" she spoke.

"I don't care about the video" I looked at her.

"Then why do you care about?" She asked.

"I cared that you didn't tell me. I cared that i had to find our from someone else" I looked at her.


The way he looked at me. It broke my heart.

I ran after him cause I wanted to break up with him.

I couldn't do it.

I couldn't bring myself to do it.

He really does like me.

I'm lying.

Its going to hurt him even more.

"Calum?" I looked at him.

I was going to do it. Here was the moment.

"What?" He asked.

His brown eyes, looked into mine.


"It won't happen again" I assured him at lying.

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