My Tears Dry On Their Own (interracial) 12

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Chapter 12 

Everly held onto Sebastian's hand and closed her eyes when they walked into the water. She felt nausea. When they stopped moving she opened her eyes and screamed, holding onto him for dear life. 

"The water is moving!" She yelled. 

Sebastian chuckled. "No, the water is not moving," 

She screamed again. 

"It's okay. Calm down."  

She looked into those blue eyes of his and immediately calmed down. She stopped shaking and just held onto him. 

"I got you." 

He taught her how to stroke her arms in the water, and let her go like a parent letting go of their child on a bicycle and let her swim around by herself. 

When they were done swimming they sat on a beach towel with a picnic basket. Sebastian pulled the food out of the basket. 

"I bought peaches and cream for desert, some sprites, and bacon, lettuce, tomato, cheese, turkey sandwiches covered in mustard." 

"Sounds good." 

They ate their sandwiches and drunk their sprites.  

"So tell me why you stayed with Kobe for so long if he treated you so badly?" 

"He wasn't all bad. He helped me when I was anorexic." 

"Why would you be anorexic? Your not fat." 

"I just didn't feel all that pretty." 

"Your not pretty. You're beautiful." 

She grinned. "Thank you." 

"You're welcome." 

Sebastian pulled out two forks. 

"I'm not hungry for desert." 

He stared at her. "What are you hungry for?" 


Everly jumped on him, making him fall back and drop the forks at his side. She attacked his mouth, hungrily. 

He chuckled. "Does your ex-husband know your this slutty?" 

She giggled. "No, I feel so alive around you." 

"You may not want to eat his but I do." 

She grabbed one of the forks and fed him a peach. 

"Yum. Try one." He grabbed the other fork and fed her a peach.  

She got off him and ran into the water. "Come catch me!" She yelled. 

He stood up, grinning. "Fearless now, I see!"  

He ran and grabbed her and she screamed and giggled as he spun her around. 


She laid on top of him on the towel. 

"Okay, something has to be wrong with you," Said Everly. "What are your flaws?" 

"I don't have any," Sebastian replied. 

"Yes you do." 

"No I don't." 

"Yes you do." 

"No I don't." 

"Yes you do." 

He tickled her sides and she bust out laughing. 

"Say I don't. Say it! Say it!" 

"Okay," She said through fits of laughter. "There's nothing wrong with you." 

He pecked her on the lips. "I love you." 

"I love you to." 


She learned something new that night. She learned that Sebastian loved to cuddle. He cradled her against his strong broad chest. She also learned that he talked in his sleep. 

"Don't let Everly find out my flaw," Sebastian mumbled in his sleep. 

What flaw? 

The next morning Sebastian got up and did ten sets of push ups and ten sets of sit ups. He ran outside and down the street for a morning jog. When he got back he took a cold shower and combed his hair.  

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten," He counted as he combed his hair. 

He sat on the couch and started talking to himself. 

"I must not let Everly find out about my flaw." He frowned. "Shut up! Just don't do anything weird in front of her and she won't find out." He looked worried. "If she finds out she'll leave me." He snorted. "You act like it's so bad. It's not! But I don't want her judging me for it." 

Everly came up behind him. "Sebastian, what is it that your  not telling me?" 

He sighed. "What did you hear?" 


"I have OCD, okay? I have to count to ten and do certain things ten times." 


"Your judging me aren't you?" 

She sat on his lap. "No, baby." She kissed him and tangled tongues with him. "I love you, Sebastian." 

"I love you to." 

"You know my twenty-first birthday is coming up next week?" 



"It will be the first birthday I celebrate without Kobe in my life." 

"Well, then I promise I will make your birthday special again." 

"To me it already is because you're here." 

He smiled. "Thanks, baby, I don't know what I would do without you." 

She pecked him on the lips. "Just so you know I'll never leave. I will always want to be right here with you-forever." 


She snuggled up close. "Yes, right here in your arms forever."

Cause he knows that where you are is where I should be too

Right here, right now
I'm lookin' at you
And my heart loves the view
Cause you mean everything
Right here, I promise you somehow
That tomorrow can wait some other day to be
But right now there's you and me- Right here right now_ Highschool musical 3. Yes I like highschool musical, it's a guilty pleasure of mine. Don't judge me.

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