My Tears Dry On Their Own (interracial) 2

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Chapter 2 

Everly awoke to the sound of beeping, it was a heart monitor. Kobe sat in a chair next to her bedside- asleep.  

She cried silently to herself, wishing she had died but she also took this as a sign that she was meant to live.  

A doctor walked in-a female doctor and smiled at Everly. 

"Hello, Mrs. Wynn, I see your finally awake." 

Kobe's eyes fluttered open. He smiled one of those rare smiles at her and held her hand. 

"How are you feeling, baby?" He asked her.  

"Tired-very tired," Everly said softly.  

"With all those pills you took, you're lucky to be alive-very lucky," Said the doctor. 

"Can I go home?" 

"I think we should keep you over night just to make sure everything is well." 

"No, I really want to go home." 

She meant home in Virginia not here in Portland, but she knew she would never return to Virginia ever again, and if she did would her parents welcome her home with open arms? Or shun her for not keeping in touch with them after all this time? 

Reluctantly the doctor agreed to honor her request. "If you need anything just call us." 

The doctor left and Everly got up and stumbled when she walked, her head was spinning.  

"Are you all right?" Kobe asked, picking her up and carrying her bridal-style. 

"I feel so dizzy." 

"Let's get you home so you can rest." 

This was the real Kobe, the kind and passionate Kobe she loved so much and longed to have back into her life, but he appears and disappears like a ghost and she dies a little inside every time he leaves. 

"I love you, Kobe," She whispered. 

"I love you to, buttercup."  

She loved this Kobe with all her heart, but hated the monster that would take his place. It was only a matter of time before this Kobe disappeared and she knew she would treasure this moment while she still had the chance. 


When they got home she and Kobe lied in the bed, he placed butterfly kisses all over her face and neck, making her giggle like he used to two years ago before he became this monster. 

A serious look appeared in his eye and she feared that the Kobe she loved had disappeared, but he was still there.  

"Why, do you love me, Everly?" 

" I love you because you make me happy. You are the most important thing in the world to me and without you I don't exist. Without you I am nothing."  

He kissed her. "I will always love you." 

"I'll always love you too." 

He disappeared and the new Kobe came, but he did something unusual-he cried. 

"Why do you keep trying to leave me?" He wept.  

"I'm sorry, Kobe." 

He wrapped his hands around her neck, choking her. "Don't lie to me!" He growled.  

Tears sprang to her eyes. "Your hurting me." 

He released her and smacked her across the face. " I give you everything and how do you repay me? By trying to kill yourself!" 

"I'm so sorry," She whispered.  

"No you aren't but you will be." 

He punched her in the face and gave her a bloody nose. She cried out as he beat on her back because he knew if she went out in public no one would see her back.  


When he was done beating her he spread her legs open and fucked her until he came inside her, if she got pregnant he would make her get an abortion, he hated children and did not want any of his own. Sometimes birth control did not always work. 

Everly drunk her pain away, her sobs echoing off the walls as she prayed for a better life.  

"Please, god, please send me somebody to love. Somebody who will treat me the way I need to be treated and give me the life I deserve. All Kobe ever does is beat me, fuck me, and cheat on me." 

Everly knew she said she would make this work but were the beatings really worth it? 

She went to the closet where her suitcases were full of stuff she packed three months ago- ready to leave. She took her suitcases and walked out the door and figured that if she made it to the train station without looking back that she would go and start anew.

Okay guys please check out my story Our Life Story there are two versions. One has 6 chapters and the other one has nine chapters but only one has been posted for now but I will post more.  It is about a young black girl named Brittany Blitz who is in love with her childhood sweetheart John Creek who is half white and half hispanic and unlike Kobe and Everly they grow up and have kids together. In the old version she is 14 and he is 16 and they are dating but in remake they are just kids but it will skip back to them being 14 and 16 again and date. Brittany is adopted by a white man who is a model Atticus Blitz and the mother leaves when she is 3 and around 7 she has to take care of him and her after Atticus depression worsens and John loses his mother and Felicia, they are murdered and he leaves Brittany but comes back and they date in the rewrite but in the old version he is back and living at the house they were murdered in but this story does NOT revolve just around them it also revolves around their friends like Martin,  those of you who read My Tears Dry On Their Own well Martin lives that life, he is abused by his parents everyday as he grows up until Brittany finds a way to help get him out of of there. Please give this story a chance guys. It is a really good story. I fell in love with these characters and I will always love Our Life Story and I know that one day it will be in stores on shelves.

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