Chapter 3

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"Trick or treat!" Sarahs cousins yelled as the door to the first house opened on Halloween. She was still pretty disappointed that she couldn't go trick or treating with her friends. She was an alien for Halloween and her mom made her have her costume home made.

When Sarah got home that night, the first thing she decided to go have a shower and get to bed. She was exhausted. She would eat her candy tomorrow.

The next day, Sarah woke up to sunshine. Her room just the way she had fallen asleep to. Her candy on the floor, and her costume sprawled on the floor. She rolled her eyes at the mess, and went upstairs for breakfast.

Sarah went to her locker to put her bag in when she walked past Daniel. He was with Eddy. She said hi but didn't think he heard her because he just walked by without saying anything to her.

Another boring day at school was done and it was time to go home. Sarah was glad to leave MR Junns. He was a bit creepy. When she got to her car she saw that he sisters weren't in the car with her mom. Sarah knew what that meant. "Dad's home?" She asked. Sarah's mom Shannon gave her a look. "What do you think I'm gonna leave a 2 year old and a 2 month old at home? I don't think so."


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