Chapter 1: My Dreadful Life

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"Look behind you, Max!" I heard a voice. It was Alex'. I turned around, but it was too late. A ball hit me in the face.

"You aren't well-trained, dude." Alex made fun of me. He had thrown the ball. We both were the only agents left. The other six had been taken to different countries.

Agents? You got that right. We all were being sent to Earth for a mission. It all started when King Venker, owner of the planet, Venker, told the Venkerians that we were gonna conquer Mars. All the Venkerians were pretty happy with that, until we found out that the Earthlings had the same plan. They made machines through which humans could survive on Mars. Well, King Venker likes things his way, so he sent eight agents to Earth to stop the humans from inhabiting Mars. Don't ask how we were gonna do that.

"Hey, I was just wondering why did King Venker chose YOU?" Alex asked with a grin on his face.

"I don't know." I answered, and it was actually the truth. I didn't know why King Venker chose me. I sucked at all those tests, but King Venker said that I'd do fine. Most people weren't okay with that and I had a lot of fights with the other guys. Thinking all this actually brought tears to my eyes, even though I was 21. I admit I'm not tough. I had been picked on since I was a kid.

I breathed heavily and walked to the washroom in the spaceship to wash my face, but the real reason was to get away from Alex. I opened the door and staggered back when I looked in the mirror. That wasn't me! Oh wait, that was me. I was in a human form. Some machines were used to transform me into a human. How weird the humans looked! They have two ears which are on both sides of their faces. I'd never be in my Venkerian form again. On one side, I was pretty happy that I'll finally be able to escape all the bullying, but on the other side, I was freaking out. I have heard that the people of Earth are really cruel people. At least, they won't be more cruel than the Venkerians.

I washed my face and walked out.

"So were you crying in there, Max Conwell?" Alex teased. I ignored him. The reason I was weaker for my age was because my mother didn't let me out of the house till I was fifteen. She said that planet Venker is too dangerous for me. Till that time, I was homeschooled. So when I got out of the house, people started to call me names because of the 'homeschooled' thing.

I sighed. No need to think about the past anymore. I had to think about how I would survive with the humans. I could see more frightful moments waiting for me on the Earth.

Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!

So the next chapter is gonna be more fun and humorous! Max Conwell (Agent 8) arrives on Earth! So see ya next Sunday!

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