Say My Name - Scömíche (oneshot)

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Scott's POV

I wake up from a dreamless sleep to a light snore emitting from the room next to mine. I check my phone and the bright screen momentarily blinds me. It's 9:00 am. Me and Mitch are supposed to be in the studio, to be interviewed for the newly released album. He's just been through another horrible break up and has been drowning himself in alcohol ever since. I've been constantly blaming myself because I promised myself I wouldn't ever let him get hurt again after last time. I shower and decide to go for a Starbucks run. Before I leave, I put a small note on the fridge telling Mitch where I am, just in case he wakes up. I refill Wyatt's bowl and I don't hear him come because he sleeps in, just like his dad. I laugh at the thought.

I get into my car and blast 'No Angel' by Beyoncé. I don't even think while I'm driving to Starbucks as it's become a second nature to me. I queue up and as I'm ordering, the waitress winks at me and gives a flirtatious smile. When she writes my name on the cup, she puts a heart next to my name. I internally cringe. Nevertheless, I thank her and take mine and Mitch's drink. I get home and see Mitch curled up on the couch with Wyatt next to him in blankets. I see the bruises on Mitch's jawline and it gets me angered again. I imagine all the other bruises in his fragile body and feel like kissing them until he heals under my touch. I calm down when I remember that his ex had to get sent to hospital because of the damage I inflicted on him.

'Hey,'I say softly.

'Hey. Starbucks?'

'Yeah, here you go,' I hand him the cup. He sips it gratefully and I can see the spark in his eye start to twinkle again. I ask,

'You alright?' Bit stupid I know, but I want him to know that I care. Deeply.

'Getting there.'

We sit in a comfortable silence and we sip our coffee and watch some Spongebob with Wyatt between us. Halfway through, Mitch looks up at me with his beautiful auburn eyes and I look back. He's full of hurt. He looks so vulnerable, like a child, and even more so when he has bed-hair and is wrapped in blankets.

'Scott,' he starts,' What's wrong with me? Why can't I find someone that loves me?'

'Mitch, *looking into your eyes I can see beauty, looking into your soul I can see passion, looking into your mind I can see intelligence, but looking into your heart I can see the world. *All the beautiful things in life are not seen, nor touched, but are felt in the heart. You are perfect to me, if anyone can't see that or feel that, they are missing something real special.'

(A/N: *DISCLAIMER: I do not own these two!)

'But why doesn't anyone love me?'

'Mitch, millions do.' I know this isn't what he means, but cut me some slack, I'm trying to help him feel better.

'Thats not what I meant. I mean someone that I can tell all my secrets and they won't think any different of me. One that I can spill my whole life to and they won't judge me. One that can cuddle with me and don't mind. One that I can laugh and joke with but still be romantic and cute. One that I can bother and they love it that I take up all their free time. One that I feel so easy around. One that I can sing with and look at the stars at midnight with. Just someone.'

(A/N: Notice I'm describing Scott here?  )

'What about me?'

'Scott, you're my best friend-' this hurts really deep '-but I-'



'Mitch,'I whine. I give him a pouty face and he rolls his eyes.'

'I just, I don't know, I feel like I want a bit more. I know we've been best friends for over 14 years but I can't help it.'

Internally, I'm jumping up and down and screaming. Externally, I sit there considering.

'Me too.'

'Really?' Mitch says, all happy, as though the previous night never happened.

Mitch's POV

I'm ecstatic. But I can help but feel like he's lying, that he's feeling sad for me, so he says anything to cheer me up.

'Yeah,'he says,' but how much more?' Uh oh. That means, hardly anything. I say,

'What are you ready for?' Oh gosh, that sound so bad in itself. He looks at me with his calm blue eyes and I can see the cogs in his head turning. He breaths in sharply, as though preparing for something. He gently cups my cheek, staying clear of the bruise, and inching closer. I do use same and we're about to meet in the middle. I stop just before we do and whispers on his lips,

'Be mine.' I bite my lip and hold back tears that are threatening to spill. He nods and pushes forward. Our lips meet and a huge bolt of energy sparks in me. I can feel it through my bones. I've never felt this before with anyone and this feels perfect. The very guy I've been searching for for years, has been right beside me, and I've been too blind to notice that. He breaks apart, and hold me with both hands. Wyatt meows and runs off. He leads me to his bedroom and he sits down. I follow suit and kiss him before he gets a chance. He gently tugs my lip, asking for entrance and I open my mouth. His tongue explores my mouth and my tongue fights his. He wins dominance. I lean back and lie down and crawls on top. I hold his belt.


He stops and looks down at me. I give him an innocent kinda look.

'Are you sure your ready for this?'

I nod and he takes off his belt and removes all clothing. I can't help but admire his figure. Broad, muscly and tall. Ugh, I'm in heaven. I take off my shirt and he removed all my lower half of my clothing. He kisses me all over my neck, almost hungrily. I get so turned on by this. I gently dig my nails into his back. He kisses me all over and I moan,
'More.' He complies and flips me over. He gently enters me. Soon, pain turns into pleasure and I scream every word but his name.

'Say my name,'he demands. I don't, just to tease him, 'SAY IT!'

'Scotty, oh fuck, ohhhh.' We both orgasm at the same time. Scott comes off his high and says hesitantly,

'I love you, Mitchie.'

'I love you too, Scotland.'

It's 5:00 and Kirstie, Avi, Kevin and the interview rearrange for the next day as Mitch and Scott haven't shown up.

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