Cello - Kesther (Kevin and Esther) (oneshot)

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Esther's POV

I admire Kevin as he plays his cello. I've always loved the way he cares for it so deeply and always gets mad if someone knocks it. It may sound crazy but I wish I was his cello. I laugh at the thought. He finishes one of his songs from his album, Renegade. I applaud him and he stands up and does a small bow.

'Amazing,' I exclaim. He flicks his imaginary long hair and sasses,

'Well, what can I say?'

We laugh and keep chatting about all the press attention we've been getting due to our album release. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom and on my way back, I see a small black journal with a silver pen neatly placed beside. I ponder on the idea to have a look. My curiosity gets the better of me and I walk over. The pen has Kevin's name engraved on it and remember it's the pen and book I got him for his birthday. I didn't actually think he was going to keep so well clean. He keeps everything in his life at a high standard, so what else did I expect?

I open the journal, and see it's right from the beginning of the sing off. It has everything documented in great detail. From the plain ride to the audition, to getting through to the final. There's a whole section dedicated to when everyone went to everyone house when they won. I got to the part when he and the rest of PTX came to mine and Avi's house. I flicked through and saw that 3 pages where just about me...odd. I read all these in depth and it said that basically he had a major crush on me. I turn the page and see that the rest of the journal is blank.

'Are you okay?' I hear Kevin call out.

'Yeah, I'm coming.' I set it aside and wonder if he still has the same feelings. When I walk in I being to notice things about Kevin. His beautiful eyes filled with warmth, the way his hat is perched on his head perfectly...oh no, I'm falling for my brothers best friend. Kevin waved his hand in front of my eyes,

'Are you sure you're okay?'

'Yeah, it's just...' I trail off.


I take a deep breath and peck his cheek. As if on cue, Avi walks through the door,

'Sorry, I forgot my keys....what the fuck?'

Avi's POV

I'm just about to get new strings for my guitar and realize I stupidly forgot the keys for the apartment. I jog back up the stairs and open the door,

'Sorry, I forgot my keys....what the fuck?'

My sister is kissing Kevin. Rage boils up inside me and I clench my fists tightly. Kevin speaks first,

'Dude, it's not what it looks like.'

'Oh, really? I beg to differ,' I say through clenched teeth.

'Don't blame Kevin, it was me,' Esther says shamefully. It's too late though, I blame him completely. I walk up to him and grab the front of his shirt. He holds his hand, like he's surrendering. I raise my fist and punch him square in the nose. He falls off his chair and his cello, Beyoncé, crashes on the floor. I shout,

'HOW DARE YOU SEDUCE MY SISTER?' I kick him repeatedly in the stomach as he whimpers in pain.

'Avi,' Esther begins,' it's not like that. Please stop.'

I stop, but turn and look between Esther and Kevin, rolling around in the floor, clutching his stomach. I spat at them,

'You disgust me.' I walk out and don't look back.

Kevin's POV

Pain. Anger. Shame. These emotions are so strong. I taste blood and realize that my nose is bleeding. Esther down beside me and repeatedly apologizes,

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...'

I grab her hand and say,

'Don't worry. He was just mad. He'll calm down.'

She leads me to my bathroom and cleans me up. She gets an ice pack from the kitchen. While she's gone, I see my journal open. Crap! She must have read it. I pick it up and hear her footsteps. I say,

'Did you read this?' I turn on my heel and see Esther is blushing.

'Kevin, I'm so sorry. I just saw it. It's okay, I'll leave. I'm sorry,' she apologizes. I grab her wrist,

'No, stay. I...err....still like you...,' I confess. She smiles,

'I really like you too.' I sigh deeply,

'What about Avi?' She furrows her eyebrows, thinking. Then I practically see the light bulb turn on in her head,

'Well confess our feelings to him, and if he doesn't like it, he loses his sister and his best friend.'

'Sounds like a plan.'

(A/N: second to last chapter)

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